Example sentences of "it would [be] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 er November , mid November , we 've got an assault course er based at Bicester barracks , er army barracks in Bicester , and we 're inviting er various people over the age of sixteen , who live in and around the Bicester and Oxford areas er as well as down into Aylesbury , er if they 'd like to come and take part , and it 'd be sponsored for the Chest , Heart and Stroke Association and the work that we do .
2 Each party 's entitlement of seats should be proportionate to its share of the total constituency votes received by candidates of all parties , and it would be met by the award ( if necessary ) of a number of additional seats so calculated as to " redress the distorted results in the constituencies " .
3 In order to learn to master this sort of mismatch , simple context drills must be prepared such as the following one , in order to become accustomed to the way the word is used in German : N.B. ( to me ) indicates that it is implied in the English sentence , but not usually stated ; if stated , it would be followed by the preposition " in " , as in " Bring the books to me in the library " .
4 The UK government welcomed the release and expressed the hope that it would be followed by the release of a British businessman , Ian Richter ) , sentenced to life imprisonment on bribery and economic charges in 1986 .
5 In radio productions I was constantly aware of our listeners ' reactions ; in the consideration of any idea for a show , my first concern was how it would be received in the homes of listeners , nationwide — and , say what you will , I still believe this is the first requisite of Good Showmanship .
6 During this process it was suggested that a dummy engine be installed to save time and weight , but this idea was rejected on the grounds that the idea was for the Norseman to be as live an aircraft as it could be , and for it to taxi from the hangar in which is was being restored , across Howey Bay , to its position on the shoreline , adjacent to where it would be mounted on the pole .
7 It would be limited to the function it is most useful for in the language classroom : intensive listening .
8 If we do n't grant a , what 's going there now , it could well be that by default , the building will revert to the county council , and it would be lost to the people of Ottery .
9 If you left this anywhere left it behind and came away it would be lost in the system you 'd never see it again .
10 So that would be a guaranteed eighty pounds a month , and at the end of five years , we 'd assume that the P E P had actually grown enough to give him his money back , you know it 's , it 's because this , because it 's a temporary annuity , it would be lost after the five years .
11 Or perhaps she would paint a picture of Oliver and it would be hung in the National Gallery and everyone would come and look at it and weep because it was so beautiful .
12 The individual bourgeois who felt called upon to comment on public matters knew that a letter to The Times or the Neue Freie Presse would not merely reach a large part of his class and the decision makers , but , what was more important , that it would be printed on the strength of his standing as an individual .
13 The society will argue at the full hearing that it had a legitimate expectation that it would be consulted by the council .
14 I would think it would be depend on the weather .
15 It must above all be clear that perestroika was taking place under the auspices of the CPSU and that it would be conducted within the framework of socialism .
16 Incidentally , it was he who thought that if the tsarist library actually still existed , then it would be situated beneath the Moscow Kremlin ( to this day there are legends of its sealed-off hiding-places and passages ) .
17 It would be represented in the Constitutional Assembly by Carlos Andrade .
18 It would be transmitted on the Astra satellite used by BSkyB .
19 The Civil Rights ( Disabled Persons ) Bill was due to come before the Commons this week , but campaigners predicted it would be blocked by the government once more .
20 ‘ I think it would be damaging for the economies of the community if we were unable to reach agreement . ’
21 The train she was in was one bound for south London , as perhaps all were , but it would be reached via the Bank instead of Tottenham Court Road , describing a loop through the City to do so .
22 It would be done at the Stanford synchrotron Radiation Laboratory ( SSRL ) which is fed by electron beams from one of SLAC 's two storage rings .
23 Sorry , the only one I eh , I eh got this idea was when I first took this up I went into the hut in the town , and I picked up the booklets , you know that they have on the counter , and in one of these booklets it had that the vet 's were now I do n't know what I 'm , I 'm very lost for everything like this , but they 've kept and therefore if your animal needed , your pet needed treatment it would be done by the private vet 's and eh , mon the money would be re would be reclaimed by the vet from the R S P C A , and I think that gave to erm .
24 Ideally , it would be chaired by the law lord , Lord Radcliffe .
25 It would be hidden in the quarter until the necessary deals were struck and the arms could be distributed .
26 Out in the Waste itself the body of a dead rider might be lying but if so it would be hidden by the inequalities of the ground .
27 Most English politicians , on the other hand , seemed confident that Elizabeth would attempt to introduce a Protestant form of worship , although they were unsure whether it would be based on the first or second Edwardian Prayer Book .
28 It would be based on the carbon content of fuels and would have the biggest effect on the coal industry .
29 It would be headed by the Monarch , followed by the Lord Mayor of London , the aristocracy and church leaders .
30 And I think it would actually need , if it 's going to be taken on board , somebody appointed to look at this , or it be put in somebody 's job brief and I would have thought ideally that it would be placed with the community worker , and I do n't know quite how we 're placed for community workers in East Oxford , but maybe it 's something we could put to that department .
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