Example sentences of "it be give to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We believe a cup of coffee leaves a nicer taste in your mouth when it 's given to you by name .
2 erm A lot of people gave as a reason for getting a particular piece of furniture the fact that it was given to them by their parents when they got married , or that a neighbour was trying to get rid of it , or that somebody from work had passed it on and they needed one .
3 Henry Calverley , a friend of the family , asked for the arrow to use as a trophy and it was given to him on condition he solemnly promised not to reveal its origin .
4 It was given to me as a present so I 'd feel funny about selling it myself , but you could maybe buy a pair of shoes for Sonja with it or something .
5 When she asks , you must on no account say that it went into the sea , because she will worry that it is a curse on you — or me as well , for it was given to me at my baptism .
6 It was given to me by my grandmother , the lady Jacquetta , and has a curious history .
7 It is not it was given to me by a nice gentleman from Napier College doing
8 It was given to me by someone who feels deeply on the subject , ’ he said .
9 I 'm glad you mentioned that cos it was given to me by the wife of the steeplechase handicap a very important man today cos for more than
10 It was given to you by a certain gentleman , as security against a loan . ’
11 It was given to us by a descendant of Boutcher , who wants to remain anonymous .
12 It was given to us by Amnesty International and used with their full permission .
13 Have some more chutney , it was given to us by our German daughter-in-law .
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