Example sentences of "it be know that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The discussion about the service policeman 's job prospects might have been more sanguine had it been known that civil servants in Whitehall were reading a provocative paper on full employment policy .
2 As to schools , a DES spokesperson let it be known that such concerns are left to the LEAs and that studies of this kind are likely to be part of religious education .
3 The Livre des Coutumes of Bordeaux contains a note that ‘ [ In 1259 ] king Henry did homage for Bordeaux , Bayonne and all the land of Gascony [ Gasconha ] which was [ then ] free allod [ franc en alo ] to Louis , king of France … but let it be known that this Gascony was the most free allod that the king of England had , before … king Henry received it back from the French king in homage ’ .
4 Yet if it were known that microcephalic babies ( perhaps older infants as well — would it make a difference ? ) were regularly sold to research laboratories , then there would undoubtedly be an outcry .
5 Returning to the visual system , it is known that simultaneous destruction of both visual cortex and superior colliculus produces complete insensitivity to brief light flashes in monkeys whereas destruction of either structure in isolation has no effect ( Mohler and Wurtz 1977 ) .
6 It is known that that material is stored in the republic and then brought north for use by the terrorists .
7 It is known that Israeli doctors were the first outside medical experts to reach the scene .
8 As pointed out above , it is known that extensive interconnection is a characteristic of the neocortex : thus the great majority of the input to any cell comes from other parts of the neocortex itself , and similarly most of the outputs go to other parts of the neocortex .
9 Now it is known that ripening tomatoes ripen faster when placed together on a window ledge , because they produce ethylene gas which stimulates their neighbours to faster and synchronous ripening .
10 It is known that feral pigeons may convey diseases which are transmissible to man and so large congregations of birds may cause public harm .
11 It is known that many families emigrated to Canada during the fifty years from 1818 to 1868 and a great number of them came from the crofts .
12 It is known that such patients may have one of a variety of conditions such as arteriovenous malformations in the small intestine or colon ( including angiodysplasia and telangiectasia ) , Meckel 's diverticulum , Crohn 's disease , and small bowel smooth muscle tumours .
13 It is known that fatty acid peroxides inhibit prostacyclin generation ( Moncada et al , 1976 b ; Salmon et al , 1978 ) .
14 It is known that all forms of research literature do obsolesce , and that there are considerable differences between the pattern of obsolescence of different subject areas .
15 Such major physical impacts are fairly easy to assess , but not enough work has yet been done to assess the effect of visitors on wildlife itself , though it is known that shy species will decline , while common species will often increase , and that fauna both on land and in water will decline faster than flora ( Liddle and Scorgie , 1980 ) .
16 Dr Andrew Macleod , specialist in endocrinology at St Thomas 's Hospital , London , says : ‘ It is known that increased testosterone improves the libido , but it 's unlikely it will ever be used as a treatment .
17 This finding may be important , since it is known that chemical modification of lysine amino groups of the apoprotein may interfere with the specific LDL receptor binding and hence clearance of LDL ( Gonen et al , 1981 ; Kim & Kurup , 1982 ; Witzum et al , 1982 ) .
18 It is known that some door supervisors have convictions and a history of violence .
19 These mediators are probably responsible for pathological changes because it is known that these mediators can induce an inflammatory response by changing capillary permeability , inducing inflammatory cell infiltration , and activating the inflammatory cells .
20 Emptying of radioopaque markers does not reflect gastric emptying of food components , as it is known that indigestible particles larger than 1.5 mm are emptied from the stomach during the interdigestive period .
21 It is known that wealthy industrialists joining the upper class by virtue of a newly acquired spending power , sought to buy into the status of the latter by becoming landowners and patrons of art .
22 In the presence of malignancy it is known that different tissues can respond in different ways .
23 But it is known that this custom can have dire consequences both for the woman and her children .
24 A good deal of depressive illness is known to follow adverse life events and it is known that human infants show considerable variation in response to separation from their mothers .
25 It was known that one gene could influence several traits ( pleiotropism ) and that a single trait could be influenced by many genes ( polygenic inheritance ) .
26 In particular , it was known that each cell contains a nucleus which can be seen to contain a number of threads , the chromosomes .
27 Austria was so totally defeated by Prussia at the battle of Sadowa in July 1866 that any attempt at mediation by France would have been rejected out of hand at Berlin , where it was known that such mediation would be a paper exercise with no military back-up .
28 Although for a considerable time before the resumed hearing it was known that this House was to consider whether to permit Hansard to be used as an aid to construction , there was no suggestion from the Crown or anyone else that such a course might breach Parliamentary privilege until the Attorney-General raised the point at the start of the rehearing .
29 I should add here that even as a junior at Halton I was in the senior cross-country team — which only people in their very last year were normally eligible to join and at this stage I was in my first year of three , I was allowed to go out on any occasion , in running gear , to train as I was a bona fide member of the team and so on one of these occasions when I was out training — I always wore a sort of towel around my neck which looked very professional at the time and quite unnecessary — I managed to conceal the altimeter , which had become very very hot property by this time because it was known that several instruments were missing and we could have a visit from the gendarme .
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