Example sentences of "it be to the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is to the latter pole of the conflict that we must now turn .
2 It is to the latter process that I now turn .
3 It is to the great credit of the editors that I would not have known if they had not stated this in the preface .
4 It is to the mutual advantage of both sets of banks , those over liquid and those under liquid , for those over liquid to lend to those under liquid .
5 It is to the new government 's credit that , in its first budget , it has not sought to loosen the constraints , but to carry on living within them .
6 It is to the new city rulers that the origins of banking are usually attributed ; not for nothing is the home of the London banking community called Lombard Street .
7 Thus , it is to the financial structure that we now turn .
8 While I will argue that structuralism offers a way of understanding knowledge as language that can be related to other social practices without reduction to an individual knowing subject , it is to the Marxist theory of ideology that I will turn to help describe the nature of the relationship .
9 Selling overseas is a cultural as well as an economic phenomenon , and it is to the important area of cultural influences in overseas markets that we now turn .
10 It is to the changed world of the primary classroom that I shall now turn .
11 Since we can no longer be shackled by the authoritarianism of a discredited Bible and a crumbling Papacy , it is to the human spirit that we must look for inspiration .
12 It is to the hon. Gentleman 's credit that he wishes to raise a matter that may be embarrassing to his hon. Friends .
13 Again it is to the Gregorian Reform movement that the development both of the papal curia ( comparable with the monarchical courts ) and of the papal treasury , or chamber , is due .
14 When she woke it was to the incessant chattering of the wheels against the rails and Emily thought she would never arrive at her destination .
15 However , it was to the small farmer and small businessman , the very people who had failed to colonise the east , individuals who felt themselves beset by Poles , Jews and communists in ways they could not articulate , that the Nazis were to make their main appeal .
16 What they would not accept was that vain and dreadful C.P. Snow , whose appointment as Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Technology was as insulting to the scientific community as it was to the Labour Party .
17 ‘ And oh , what a coincidence that it was to the same part of the country ! ’ she butted in sarcastically .
18 So it was to the same mortuary as Jacob that the undertaker 's van took the two coffins .
19 It was to the old mill that James Christie came from Kintyre , where he worked as a spinner in a lint mill , in 1873 and for ten years carded wool for the local women to spin , did a little weaving and some farming .
20 It was to the Scottish firm of Hurst Nelson of Motherwell that Blackpool turned for its next batch of cars in 1902 .
21 It was to the vexed matter of homework that enquiry immediately turned again , however , in the fifth meeting .
22 Other clubs did much the same things for provincial leaders ; it was to the Constitutional Club that Salvidge went when in London and it was there that he stayed .
23 In such cases it was to the obvious advantage of the farmer to build himself a new farmstead in the middle of his lands .
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