Example sentences of "it have [been] hold [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The party reacted with unnecessary embarrassment and defensiveness to government attacks on general talks it has been holding with the Greens , and its desire , as part of its traditional Ostpolitik , to press on with contacts with the Communist party in East Berlin despite the sudden surge of open opposition to the government by East German citizens .
2 It has been held under the drink/driving law that the object of requiring the officer to be ‘ in uniform ’ was to ensure that the constable would be easily recognised as such by the public .
3 The fair was known as Barnaby Fair as it was held on the old Feast of St Barnabas on the 22nd June ; more recently it has been held on the Tuesday nearest this date .
4 It has been held by the European Court of Human Rights that freedom of expression ( Article 10 ) constitutes one of the essential foundations of democratic society , one of the basic conditions for its progress and for the development of every man ( judgment of the Court of 7 December 1976 , Handyside Case , Series A , No.24 ) .
5 It has been held by the High Court that an agreement to settle an appeal made under s 54 , TMA 1970 was subject to the ordinary laws of contract and that it was therefore subject to rectification where , because of a mistake , the agreement was not in accordance with the parties ' intentions ( p 100 ) .
6 It has been held by the Court of Appeal in one instance , that the ‘ employer 's conduct ’ which entitles an employee to resign is conduct which ‘ fundamentally breaches ’ the employment contract .
7 It has been held by the Court of Appeal that the privilege against self-incrimination can be invoked in this context where , accepting the facts as alleged by the plaintiff , there is a reasonable apprehension on the part of the defendant that he might be prosecuted in the United Kingdom .
8 Even within types of offence , it has been held by the NIRC ( Hudson ( Birmingham ) Ltd v Winsper , 1973 ) that there are ‘ grades ’ of criminality .
9 It had been held by the Trial Division that the trust territory is not a separate legal entity but forms part of the Executive Department of the United States , and that the Trusteeship Agreement did not create a trust enforceable in the courts of equity .
10 It 's been held in the town each year for decades , but this time local people say it 's got out of hand and is ruining the area .
11 It 's been held in the town each year for decades , but this time local people say it 's got out of hand and is ruining the area .
12 The country 's top paragliding experts were staging a national competition … the first time it 's been held in the region .
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