Example sentences of "it have [vb pp] [prep] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Angling for the deal that it has sought for some time now , UK firm IXI Ltd , Cambridge , is starting to cast groundbait all over the water in an attempt to land its catch .
2 The pupils of this generation of sociologists are people like Howard Becker and Erving Goffman , and it was their work in the 1960s that gave a new lease of life to ethnographic research after it had fallen into some disuse , in British sociology at least , in the 1950s .
3 I understand it 's run into some difficulty but I urge the minister to press the commission to get a move on because this this is a problem that does n't just affect this country , it is certainly a problem that affects the whole of Europe and the European union in particular but also the the er the whole of the world and it 's something that needs international action .
4 Yeah , well , thank you Chairman , I I I 'm erm er , I must admit , I 'm I I am think long and and and er think deep really , about er , you know , changes such as this , but I I also er , er have to run my own businesses , and er , I just er , I think we have experienced a water-shed , it 's coincided to some extent with the change of administration and then during the nineteen eighties , we had to a boom in this county , we had the the opportunity and I never er ever er , been against that principle , of er , of er , using our actual receipts we have hidden reserves , we we talked about the reserves of twenty nine million pounds here , for the er , erm , we have er er , assets of twenty nine million , in an earlier paper .
5 Right that 's what it is. it 's raised to some power
6 The Selby approach seems to me to be er look at the land that is allocated which amounts to approximately a hundred hectares in the district and discount a great deal of it because it 's constrained in some way or another , and I 'll come back to those constraints later .
7 For its part Thames Water welcomed the report , but spokesman Tom Curtin says the company 's been acting on the sorts of things it 's recommended for some time .
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