Example sentences of "it have [adv] been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 It has partly been caused by changes in the family itself .
2 It has probably been caused by his friendship with a younger man . ’
3 First , where the obligations are non-cumulative , i.e. the obligation of each is to perform in so far as it has not been performed by any other party , the acceptance of some other performance in lieu of the promised performance relieves the others .
4 Although the Court of Appeal 's decision was obiter dictum , the investors should be made aware that the knowledge gained from their " due diligence " may prohibit any subsequent warranty claim even if it has not been disclosed by the managers .
5 Spring snow , as you might imagine , occurs late in the season when the offpiste is covered with a fall of snow too heavy to ski as powder , which remaining untracked , freezes into a firm — but not rock solid ( because it has not been compressed by skiers ) — cover .
6 This position has been modified , however , by the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 , under which a Bill may be presented for the Royal Assent provided it has been passed by the House of Commons and other procedural requirements complied with , although it has not been passed by the House of Lords .
7 It has not been proved by drilling .
8 I hope that it has n't been done by anybody in the town .
9 Some of the work the Aborigines have produced is quite beautiful , especially where it has n't been corrupted by commercial interests . ’
10 Although it has confidently been predicted by a number of high-ranking orthodox medical practitioners that any research in homoeopathy would rapidly discredit the whole subject , I have not found this to be the case .
11 It has also been appointed by cleaning equipment maker Karcher .
12 In February of this year a resolution calling for its enactment was passed by the Liberal Party Council , and it has also been supported by many individuals and groups in both the Labour and Conservative parties .
13 It has also been hit by the lack of new products to draw shoppers into its stores and the failure of satellite TV to take off as hoped .
14 It has also been affected by the pattern of investment in the industry .
15 It has also been endorsed by the city planning authority in the context of the Oxford Local Plan Review 1991–2001 .
16 ‘ Partly that has been caused by the recession but it has also been triggered by technological advances .
17 It has also been used by Givón ( 1979a ) in his argument that , in the development of a language , sentential subjects are derived from ‘ grammaticalised topics ’ .
18 It has accordingly been stigmatised by Latin Europe .
19 It has since been followed by D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles ' The Media Centre and Collett Dickenson Pearce 's CDP Media .
20 No plane like it has since been used by the public .
21 This car was the last to be constructed without a sponsor , although it has since been sponsored by several firms .
22 Consequently , it has largely been supplanted by neo-Marxist analysis .
23 Though it has largely been eclipsed by schizophrenia as the diagnostic vogue in the last 50 years , MPD is once again attracting the interest of psychiatric researchers .
24 It has even been suggested by some historians , that the series gave impetus to the building of the Thames Embankment , which prevented the regular disastrous flooding of the homes of poor people .
25 Judging by the visitors ' book , it has already been seen by several thousand members of the public and potential clients — including visitors from most European Countries and from as far away as Brazil , Alaska and South Korea .
26 As the forecast assumed interest rates would peak at 14 per cent it has already been eclipsed by events .
27 However it has already been challenged by live sheep interests who are arguing that a large proportion of exported animals are sold for further feeding and not direct for slaughter .
28 Initially it is likely to get the Sbus versions of Freedom out into the Sparc-compatible market , and says it has already been approached by several of those suppliers .
29 Like the insect , its span has been short and it has already been superseded by the Double Whammy campaign .
30 It has already been considered by the relevant Parliamentary committees and this debate will complete its first reading .
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