Example sentences of "it be [adv] [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 You have run after me to find out this thing as if it were just an answer to a riddle , or a joke which you remembered half of .
2 I think what what you 're really saying though , is that it 's probably a mistake to actually look at it in terms of a number of days .
3 So the gradient it 's a ratio it 's not no units to it , not metres millimetres or anything else , and it 's the tan of the angle .
4 Botulism tends to remain in one location , so it 's not a threat to Slimbridge .
5 There is much wildlife to see , so do n't forget the binoculars and give yourself plenty of time , it 's not a route to be hurried !
6 Anyone who can train a suitable bird can set up a falconry centre , but the birds themselves are expensive to buy and to maintain , so it 's not a hobby to be undertaken lightly .
7 " It 's not a matter to be taken lightly , Sarainha .
8 It 's not a time to be on your own , truly …
9 It 's not a thing to be talking about . ’
10 It may be unfortunate , but it 's not a crime to be rude .
11 You 'd never call the 940 incisive ; it 's not a car to be rushed into a direction change .
12 She was neither loitering nor soliciting said the prosecution and it 's not an offence to be a prostitute .
13 It 's not the answer to all education 's problems , of course .
14 And every single incident , every single one of those people , there i , there is a hu , there is a human being there a and for every one of them there are perhaps hundreds of other people who are affected by that loss but it 's just a number to us .
15 So it is I I I wo n't predict you know how it 's gon na be too much you know because obviously er it 's just the day to day living is quite difficult for most people have to work and cope with their families and you know so there 's not going to be er that the fundamentals are are not gon na be changed and obviously people are gon na be very broke for a long time because in a strike situation you probably do n't ever really quite recover .
16 Language is the key to understanding those around you , and for these toddlers it 's also the key to making sure others understand them .
17 It 's really no credit to me , ’ said Ianthe .
18 Looking down at her , his dark eyes twinkling , Matthew said , " It 's really an outing to the school forest .
19 Erm , I I think it 's less a problem to be thought that men hate women so much it is alright to be rude about women .
20 An analogue watch user will just glance at the timepiece and say , ‘ … it 's about a quarter to five ’ .
21 It 's almost a blessing to be bashed about .
22 It 's always an advantage to the man that 's making the money , who 's using these guys to use this thing to divide them . ’
23 You want somewhere in the region of about four engineers to each school so work it out yourself , it 's quite a job to actually get the ratio right .
24 It 's quite er , it 's quite a recommendation to de Brigade though is n't it Mr Chairman ?
25 It 's more a return to a belief in the heroic , the magical and the transcendent . ’
26 ‘ No , perhaps not , since it 's usually a response to things lost , or ended , and you still have Jones , ’ Luke conceded cynically .
27 Obviously it 's nowhere near as deep or complicated as Bard 's Tale , but it 's still a force to be reckoned with — especially now you get the expansion set thrown in too .
28 It 's obviously an addition to the main structure .
29 But maybe it is rather a response to the real threat which we single expatriate women , with all our means and mobility , present to family structures here .
30 It is simply a footnote to the failure of people who ca n't focus their displeasure , and who anyway are scared of acting upon it .
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