Example sentences of "to [be] well [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The experiments required the gamma detector ( Bionuclear Services Ltd , Cornwall ) to be well shielded from the activity in the stomach while still being able to detect the potentially small amount of refluxed activity in the oesophagus .
2 Once thought of as a disorder of upper social classes , it now seems to be well represented across the socioeconomic spectrum .
3 He will certainly need to be well prepared for the task which faces him , with international cricket politics becoming increasingly complex .
4 He will certainly need to be well prepared for the task which faces him , with international cricket politics becoming increasingly complex .
5 Messrs Deakins and Hussain make the comment that ‘ some managers took the opportunity to be well prepared for the interview and read the business plan in detail beforehand .
6 It is necessary , therefore , to be well prepared for the initial meeting .
7 It is necessary , therefore , to be well prepared for the first meeting , although unduly high start-up costs should be avoided at this stage .
8 I would like to be well versed on a particular subject at work and sought out for my advice
9 And the rewards then would be that erm from the interviewers point of view he be you know viewed as more intelligent , self-confident , industrious all this sort of thing , make him say determined , erm more understandable to the interviewer obviously , and also the there He 's more likely to be well liked by the interviewer , and that 's Because of that not only his voice but the content of what he 's actually saying is gon na be more favourably looked upon .
10 The idea that a runner can win more by not trying too hard is not likely to be well received in the hard-bitten commercial world of sports retailing , but if the winter miles are currently very wearisome and every race is a struggle to gain a few seconds , you might try leaving your watch off at a race or two and see if the Zarei approach puts a bit of the enjoyment back into running .
11 Although a transfer of the ownership of a company is unlikely to be well received by the board , care should be taken before making the decision on how to react ; agreeing to increase national control can be less harmful than ( for instance ) withdrawing from the country altogether .
12 So Dublin was given a voice , but no responsibility , in the affairs of Northern Ireland , an arrangement that was expected to be well received by the Catholic community .
13 The classroom that offers a pleasant and interesting environment for all the pupils working in it is likely to be well suited to the visually handicapped pupil as it will be to his fully sighted classmates .
14 Certain features of the House of Lords scrutiny system have proved to be well suited to the effective exercise of influence .
15 St Colum seems to have attracted legends around himself wherever he went , for as Columba he used to be well known to every Scottish schoolboy for converting the King of the Picts , banishing water horses and other praiseworthy acts .
16 As he calls every week — and is likely to be well known to the neighbours too — he will get his money even if the local authority and fuel boards do n't get theirs .
17 ‘ If students are to be well grounded in a healthy and promising attitude to fluvial geomorphology , they will have to grasp the ideas contained in this book . ’
18 Yes , there have been some very vigorous objections made by local residents , and that is particularly why the application that preceded this one was refused planning permission because er the objections they made were considered to be well founded by the Planning Committee and supported many of their views .
19 Even parts of the population known not to be well disposed towards the regime , such as workers in the northern districts of Berlin , were said to be horrified at the attack .
20 Clovis 's father , Childeric I , is the first member of the Merovingian dynasty to be well attested in the sources , but even he remains a shadowy figure .
21 However , to accomplish this , nurses need to be well informed about the subject of home accidents .
22 The second question , asking whether dreaming is accompanied by flaccid paralysis , was agreed with by a surprising 48 respondents , although these people did not show themselves to be well informed about the other questions .
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