Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From the beginning , Frohnmayer seemed to be trying to please the avant-garde artistic community while at the same time proclaiming his own high moral stance he actually is the possessor of a degree in Christian ethics from the University of Chicago .
2 The director also seems to be trying to satirise the fashionable filmmaking of the day by having Cleavon Little play a French-speaking director with a hand-held camera .
3 Rental obligations are to be apportioned between the finance element , which is to be charged to the profit and loss account , and the capital element which is to be applied to reduce the outstanding obligation for future instalments so as to produce a periodic rate of charge which represents a constant proportion of the balance of capital repayments outstanding .
4 Rental obligations are to be apportioned between the finance element , which is to be charged to the profit and loss account , and the capital element which is to be applied to reduce the outstanding obligation for future instalments so as to produce a periodic rate of charge which represents a constant proportion of the balance of capital repayments outstanding .
5 The 80 sheets that require partial revision , are primarily those for which the quality of survey of part of the sheet is known to be so unreliable that that part needs to be resurveyed to bring the whole sheet up to standard .
6 Miron Straf , the director of the Committee on National Statistics in Washington , which monitors and reviews US government statistics , is to be invited to address the Royal Statistical Society ( RSS ) on how his organisation operates and how a similar group could be established in Britain .
7 However , it seems that some additional finance will have to be raised to finance the proposed purchase of property .
8 However , it was recognized that prices would have to be raised to supply the necessary funds .
9 BOSNIAN Serbs were reported to be poised to overrun the besieged Muslim enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa yesterday , the same day as the first full peace talks took place .
10 which had to be completed to obtain the necessary credit .
11 However John Bullock , retail fuels technical manager at Shell UK , says the price of the fuel would rise significantly , because extra crude would have to be refined to run the hydro-desulphurisation process .
12 Even more revolutionary , though , were the social adjustments that needed to be made to accommodate the new masses .
13 and anticipate that revisions will have to be made to accommodate the new system but , they said , ‘ This shows the flexibility needed to meet our customers ’ needs in a changing environment ’ .
14 Attempts are to be made to resolve the Arab-Israeli dispute , together with the Palestinian issue .
15 A real attempt had now to be made to change the political climate under which the Roman way of life could be accepted and economic development could prosper .
16 Tonight the MP for Oxford East said every effort should continue to be made to trace the missing pension millions .
17 The driver , Fred King , used to goad them , always at them , never left them alone so instead of getting the best out of them he seemed to be determined to get the worst instead .
18 Impossible to administer , I know , but something has to be done to stop the unbelievable carnage on Scotland 's hills .
19 We should not have to anguish over what needs to be done to stop the physical and mental havoc which such racists wreak on black people .
20 But , he added , it was his view that while a great deal had been achieved more work needs to be done to complete the necessary cultural changes within AEA .
21 When the opportunity arises to appointment a new member of staff a considerable amount of attention needs to be given to attract the right person .
22 ‘ It would be wrong for water users in the next five to ten years to be asked to finance the whole cost of projects which have been neglected in the past and which may be expected to last for 30 , 50 or even 100 years .
23 In this case , only a fraction of the words from any sub-list need to be searched to find the best match .
24 But the need for a military commander certainly did not diminish during Edward 's reign — it became increasingly common for a king-duke 's lieutenant to be appointed to lead the military forces of the duchy , as well as a seneschal with largely judicial functions .
25 If so the draftsman should consider giving one of the parties ( usually the landlord ) the right to choose whether the person to be appointed to determine the new rent should act as expert or arbitrator .
26 The traditional view of the leader may , then , be questioned and our model of leadership may have to be widened to encompass the different locations of leadership .
27 Then one could argue for stable long-term subsidies to be granted to offset the higher transport costs , recognising that the higher resource cost of delivering the commodities to their consumers should be borne by the state which would otherwise have to bear the cost of unemployment ( and which is also in a position to take account of the ‘ social cost ’ to the community involved ) .
28 A new clergy , no longer celibate , had to be trained to replace the existing parish clergy , whose ignorance and greed had been one of the causes of the deformation .
29 At first the operations were dropping bomb loads on known terrorist targets but as the communist bandits employed more elusive tactics the air operations had to be restructured to accommodate the changing nature of the communist operations .
30 Church and State were to be separated , local government democratized , and a Constituent Assembly elected by universal , direct , equal and secret franchise was to be summoned to settle the future form of the country 's constitution and to resolve major social problems such as that of the land .
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