Example sentences of "to [det] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the legislature finds that limitations on the common law principle are needed for reasons of policy or good administration then they can be adopted by legislation , e.g. by a short limitation period , presumptions as to validity , even ( which I mention but do not necessarily think appropriate since the matter has not been discussed ) a power in the courts to limit the effects of any order for recovery comparable to that conferred on the European Court of Justice by article 174 of the E.E.C .
2 If it is assumed that the expected volume of output is roughly equal to that experienced in the previous year , , then the higher is , the greater will gross investment tend to be .
3 The county court said that it was not , this interpretation being opposite to that reached by a different county court .
4 Indeed , this person 's role would not have been dissimilar to that undertaken by the present-day funeral director .
5 But a further complicating factor is that Watling Street , in its latest phases , points directly to the medieval East Gate , strongly suggesting that here also lay the later Roman gate , most probably on a different site to that belonging to the early defences ; if this is so , then the ditch must have been bridged at the gate .
6 Morphologically the stomach is similar to that seen with a conventional anterior/posterior view barium meal .
7 Damage to the cervical spine from rheumatoid arthritis has been noted in 30% to 46% of necropsy studies and is second in frequency only to that seen in the metatarsophalangeal joints .
8 A laparoscopic biopsy specimen of this mass ( Fig 4 ) showed diffuse infiltration of hilar connective tissue by inflammatory cells and fibroblasts producing a picture similar to that seen in the original thyroid biopsy specimen .
9 Even so , the advice is similar in principle to that given for a westward flight .
10 The text of the new treaty was substantively identical to that negotiated with the Soviet Union in 1991 , dropping the 1948 commitment for either side to come to the other 's assistance if it were attacked .
11 Often difficulty arises if the purchaser insists not only on extensive environmental warranties and indemnities but also on applying different liability limitation compared to that negotiated on the other warranties .
12 Yet if Miss Hill was unlucky not to get a medal , her disappointment was nothing compared to that felt by the American Lance Larson on a steaming hot night in Rome over 30 years ago .
13 Photographs were distributed of young men wearing clothing similar to that worn by the two attackers involved in the incident which led to the death of Mr Sheldon , 20 .
14 Photographs were distributed of young men wearing clothing similar to that worn by the two attackers involved in the death of Mr Sheldon , 20 .
15 ‘ The audit function should be carried out by the Court of Auditors in a similar way to that adopted by the principal auditor of a multinational group of companies which has a number of foreign subsidiary companies .
16 This result could be achieved through the application of similar reasoning to that adopted by the Privy council in NZ Shipping Co Ltd v AM Satterthwaite Co Ltd [ 1975 ] AC 154 .
17 The ballot service , similar to that offered by the Electoral Reform Society , cut its losses on increased business .
18 Although requiring constant attention to water management , it provided a geographical base for the infant kingdom superior to that offered by the bleak , intermontane valleys inland , across the high limestone ranges of the Velebit mountains .
19 On the contrary , according to the Middle East International of Feb. 22 , in the occupied territories the supporters of the PLO and those of its rival , the strongly Islamic Hamas , were brought together by a blend of secular nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism similar to that achieved by the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein .
20 Any extended space-time beyond this singularity will depend on extra initial data in addition to that specified on the initial Cauchy hypersurface for the colliding wave problem .
21 After participation in the CU , and the adoption by the CU of CET against non-members equal to that applied by the domestic economy before the union , then the commodity will be imported from the union partner .
22 It was found that the palaeomagnetism of young rocks tended to be close to that expected from the present magnetic field , but older rocks showed marked deviations .
23 The Treasury Lords regarded the rejection of Hall 's Bill ‘ as a virtual abandonment of the whole scheme by the House of Commons ’ , and as the site was now limited to that authorized under the 1855 Act , they did not see why the plan prepared for that site should not be used .
24 He also indicated that his administration would establish an Economic Security Council , with a degree of influence similar to that enjoyed by the National Security Council , in order to improve and prioritize economic decision-making .
25 Moreover , the strength of the positive signals broadly equated to that obtained with the IS900-PCR positive control ( equivalent to two M paratuberculosis genomes ) and suggests that the assay was operating at or near the limit of its sensitivity .
26 Nonetheless , the pattern of correlations over the ten junctions is extremely similar to that obtained in the previous study , see Figure 5.4 .
27 The problem here is analogous to that embodies in the familiar conundrum " Which came first , the chicken or the egg ? "
28 This was a messianic fervour that must have been similar to that possessed by the ancient zealots who died defending Masada against the Romans 2,000 years ago .
29 Franklin Delano Roosevelt centralised political power in the executive branch of the government to ensure that there was a competing power to that possessed by the economic elite .
30 Unlike Grinley , Green did not own his own hearse and mourning coaches and was probably more at home performing in-parish funerals similar to that shown in a contemporary engraving by William Hogarth on a funeral ticket issued between 1730 and 1750 by Humphrey Drew , the King Street , Westminster , undertaker .
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