Example sentences of "to [pers pn] in the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then you 'd better get on to them in the first instance .
2 The petitioners wanted to know whether a legacy of liberatio to them in the first will could now be held to include debts they had first contracted after the making of the first will ; and whether , if the heirs were to sue them for that , they could be barred by an exceptio doli .
3 The considerable post-Boer War concern about children was reflected in the amount of legislative attention paid to them in the first years of the Liberal government .
4 ‘ They 'll never understand why I did n't go to them in the first place .
5 There is a general expectation that people will not remember detailed facts correctly if they are only exposed to them in the spoken mode , especially if they are required to remember them over an extended period of time .
6 If the Americans accepted that the Israel-Palestine problem was insoluble , at least for now , they could concentrate on what really matters to them in the Middle East .
7 West Ham are one of the favourites to go straight up , but who can tell what the pressures of promotion will do to them in the final weeks .
8 It says that at least some of the characteristics of this hyper-individualist people can not be explained by what has happened to them in the Ottoman time and since , because these characteristics predate the Ottomans .
9 The magazine Der Spiegel recently published the results of an opinion poll revealing that 14 per cent of Germans still think Jews were partly to blame for what happened to them in the second world war , 36 per cent believe Jews ‘ have too much influence ’ , and more than 50 per cent believe it is time for Germany to forget the past and move on .
10 Second , women and men have different responsibilities accorded to them in the domestic division of labour .
11 In the afternoon Bathsheba called her workers together , and spoke to them in the old hall of the farmhouse .
12 and er the people in the flat above us had to pass our door to get to them in the same way that we had to pass the people , tenants below doors to get to their accommodation .
13 But there had been no reference to them in the detailed report of Surrendered Ex-Enemy Personnel sent up by 5 Corps to Eighth Army two days earlier , on 15 May [ KP 112 ] .
14 All voluntary organizations in the community care field face an uncertain though challenging future as a result of the government 's encouragement to them in the 1990 Act to take a more active , participative role in providing services directly to clients in the community , with finance provided by the local authority or health authority .
15 I 'm a member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and er because I 'm by background an electronics engineer and I was at a meeting there where a chap was giving a talk on design express lifts you know at Northampton and the Chairman stood up and introduced doctor whoever he was sat down turned round to me in the second row and said could you give a vote of thanks at the end .
16 Leaving aside the phrase that the hon. Gentleman attributed to me in the early part of his question , I can reassure him that the budget for the health service will be £3.7 billion , an increase of £342 million , or 10.1 per cent .
17 Not anything like it would have been if Uncle Bill had left it to me in the first place , because it will pay duty twice . ’
18 Why did n't you show it to me in the first place ?
19 ‘ She did come to me in the first place . ’
20 I also knew that experience in working with other birds would be useful to me in the long term .
21 ‘ Pray think of a right man wt out regard to recommendations , which hitherto have not been of great service to me in the like cases , ’ the duke suggested .
22 Forwarding a copy of this letter to his wife , he added that ‘ I quite squirm at the thought lest some successor to me in the near future should treat these chiefs in a different manner from my own ’ .
23 I wish your husband would make some good , cheap sweets , ’ she said , and then said — almost tenderly — ‘ he was very good to me in the difficult days ’ .
24 THANK you to the great many readers who have written to me in the past couple of weeks about the Royals .
25 Remember your moral crime : that you have now lied twice about why I had written to you in the first place ( Letters report , 5 December ) , and you have lied on purpose and you have done so with manifest contempt and disregard for any say or rights that I may have against your sick sense of ‘ editorship ’ .
26 DP , Stirling Assuming there are no complications you have not mentioned — for example , that the property is still in the name of someone else who left it to you in the first place — then the changes you requested should take weeks rather than months .
27 Well now , what they 've done something which I think if there as I said to you in the first place , if they 'd have run their cards played their cards right , they could have said to that fellow ‘ look you 've got no rights to be here , we never gave you planning ’ what 's wrong with this planning people , they step here and they step there , there 's people do things without planning permission , they do nothing at all about it , if I was to go and stick something up in my front garden , they 'd come along and say ‘ hey , . ’
28 If you are currently receiving income support , the DSS will send a form to you in the late Autumn .
29 Not exactly impressing with all the chances which comes to you in the english league ’ frank says .
30 But erm I 'll get that to you in the next couple of days or so .
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