Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [coord] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Would n't it be more sensible to sell your share to me and buy yourself a smaller place ? ’
2 ‘ In that case , perhaps you 'd better just pay off your debt to me and find yourself a job as a salesgirl in some shop .
3 He opened up more the love of God to me and gave me a livelier apprehension of the Mystery of Redemption and how much I am beholden to Jesus Christ ’ .
4 Simon had swivelled back to me and handed me a piece of paper with an address in Theobalds Road .
5 Ushers , magistrates , Clerks of the Court , solicitors , and even the odd judge or barrister now nod affably to me or wish me a good day and more than one defendant , during the break while evidence is being weighted , has asked my ‘ professional ’ opinion as to his chances .
6 The classical thing is if somebody comes up to you and asks what a physicist does , that 's the hardest question to answer .
7 Some of them who can speak English come up to you and give you a hug and say , Thank-you , you give us life .
8 I 'll write to you and give you the information .
9 She had entered into the union for her own reasons and she had taken her marriage vows with no thoughts other than to be a dutiful wife to him and to give him the happiness he deserved .
10 But the farmer was kind to him and taught him a lot .
11 She came down to him and made him a hot drink and felt his forehead which was burning hot and covered in drops of sweat .
12 ‘ You know the story about Gerhard , looking as he usually does , standing on the steps of Horseguards after a Cabinet Committee , when a kindly person sidled up to him and gave him a quid to buy himself breakfast ? ’
13 Anyway , Benguiat made up to him and gave him a big kiss and then the next day things got bad again because Parkinson was going to in room number two above this floor to sort out his slides and Benguiat had been in there and evidently he had just decided to tuck his shirt in and loosen his trousers and while he was tucking his shirt in Parkinson came in and says aha , caught you with your pants down , and Benguiat storms out of the room .
14 As Frodo feels the pressure of the Eye on Amon Hen , a Voice speaks to him and gives him a moment of freedom to act .
15 A waiter came up to him and handed him an airmail copy of some newspaper .
16 Er but anyway er an and the address , full address was you see so a about a week I , I , I wrote , you know , to her and told her a bit about myself and er , you know , about , about seeing the programme etcetera and erm I got a letter did I get a letter back ?
17 We paddled to her and gave her a lift back to her house .
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