Example sentences of "to [art] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These sequences are labelled U , P1 to P5 and obvious homologies to the motif found in the 5' portion of the HSV-1 Vmw175 binding consensus are underlined , the arrow indicating a motif in the opposite orientation on the non-coding strand .
2 To travel along each road you have to know the correct password which is the answer to the calculation shown on the circle you are leaving .
3 The court said that the conclusion the arbitrator had come to could only have been reached by in effect giving evidence to himself in flat contradiction to the evidence given by the applicants ' expert witness , and the arbitrator was guilty of misconduct in failing to observe the rules of natural justice .
4 Add these facts to the evidence displayed in the charts section ( pages 65 to 73 ) at the back of the magazine ) of the variety of interest rates charged by the lenders and it is no wonder that a £100,000 borrower can save the price of a new car simply by doing a little homework .
5 Applying the ordinary standard of proof in civil cases to the evidence presented at the public inquiry , there had to be proof on the balance of probabilities .
6 It is to be hoped that the evidence provided by Margaret Clark ( 1988 ) will be seen to be a vital concomitant to the evidence considered by the Select Committee .
7 A 1987 expedition to the wreck resulted in the recovery of more than 1,800 objects including artifacts , coins and jewels valued at more than £34m .
8 Barro presents some evidence that no such pattern exists : this evidence is from the Durbin-Watson statistic ( see Johnston , 1984 , pp. 314–17 ) which tests the null hypothesis that the error in predicting DM in any period t made by equation ( 6.7 ) is unrelated to the error made in the previous period .
9 For the Tories the long-term solution to the recession lies in the expansion of the leisure goods industries , the development of communication technologies .
10 Is it not the case that although the wage increases of British workers have come down the benefits of that have been dissipated , and that due to the recession induced by the Government productivity has gone down although it has gone up in Germany and as a result unit labour costs in the year to the second quarter of 1991 went up by 3 per cent .
11 A few cases have already been cited in which late classical jurists used the word ‘ precatory ’ as a shorthand for a trust disposition , drawing attention to the request made by the settlor .
12 In my view , when the truth of representations is being considered , no objection can be taken to the request relating to the first audit , nor to the second audit since the latter may well reveal material relevant to the conduct of the company 's business before acquisition and after acquisition in a way which reflects on the earlier conduct of the business .
13 At Firbank , where the chapel proved too small , he went out on to the fell to preach to the people , saying that God 's church was not made of stone but of the air and the countryside around .
14 Theoretical considerations indicated that if the electric field applied to the surface could be made strong enough to confine the mobile electrons to a very thin layer near the semiconductor 's surface , with thickness comparable to the wavelength associated with the electrons there , then the electrons ' motion perpendicular to the surface would be ‘ quantised ’ .
15 The buyer 's assent to the appropriation made by the sellers was inferred from his failure to object after receiving the delivery order .
16 Some of the couples coming to the church respond to the claims of Christ upon their lives as they see the evidence in the lives of the church members .
17 The visitors , who included several who had been employed at RHS in its early days , were welcomed to the service by the school chaplain , the Rev Kevan McCormack , who referred to the support given to the school by many local people over the years .
18 It was found that recall of words at the end of the list was indeed significantly greater than when recall was immediate and this gave rise to the phenomenon known as the recency effect .
19 ‘ Shear Dismay : For Bill Clinton , little things like a fancy haircut and a tempest in his travel office loom large , ’ said Time magazine , also referring to the uproar caused by the president 's sacking of the White House travel office and putting a distant cousin in charge .
20 Moreover , the seriousness of the sanction must be proportionate to the damage sustained by the worker .
21 The sanction imposed is real and effective since it satisfied all three conditions required by Community law ; it is adequate in relation to the damage sustained by the claimant , since the claimant is put in the position in which she would have been had the discriminatory refusal to hire her not occurred , both as concerns the post of employment and the income therefrom ; it has a real deterrent effect on the defendant bank who will not only have to pay the amount of about seven years ' monthly salary , plus interest , but will furthermore find itself with an additional employee ( the claimant and the man hired in her stead ) ; it is the same sanction as the one imposed for any other illegal refusal to hire .
22 Landlords are often amenable to amendments permitting an assignment of an agreement for lease , usually after any tenant 's works have been completed , but subject to the assignee covenanting with the landlord to be bound by the terms and conditions of the agreement , which is not unreasonable .
23 Nevertheless , she did give outright support to the stand taken by the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
24 The point of our discussion of them so far is that the attempt to rebut scepticism by constructing an anti-realist alternative to the realism espoused by the sceptic is not going to be easy , even if it is possible .
25 The main threats to the forecast lie in the outlook for world trade , which has worsened since November as Germany and Japan turn down , the burden of domestic debt continues , and the effects of German policies on the European Community remain adverse .
26 Apart from the notion of transition outlined above , and unlike the Hallidayan approach , where the verb is generally considered part of the rheme , FSP theory assigns thematic or rhematic status to the verb depending on the context and the semantics of the verb itself .
27 The officer 's evidence will probably be in the following terms : ‘ I had a good view of the zebra crossing when I saw a pedestrian step on to the crossing limits from the footpath outside the Town Hall and walk about one third of the way across the crossing when the defendant drove in front of the pedestrian etc . ’
28 The first serious challenge to the Council came with the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community .
29 The residents have presented a petition to the council calling for the plans to be shelved until an alternative access to the site can be found .
30 And nearly half a century later , when The Cantos would tail off ( not discreditably ) in ‘ Drafts and Fragments ’ , Pound would still be purveying the same message , in terms of ‘ the gardens of Proserpine ’ , the mineral and metallic gardens that Proserpine according to the myth created in the underworld , to duplicate as ‘ art ’ the springing herbage that she inspired in spring and summer through her six months in the overworld .
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