Example sentences of "have [been] at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A number of issues are raised in the paper , but one of the companies which has been at the receiving end and has been canvassed for views , says : ‘ Part of the document looks as if it has been drafted by British Gas . ’
2 I should have been very glad of your society this last year , Maureen has been at the Royal College of Music , and I have been much alone , only for the animal 's company I do n't know what I should have done and poor Mr. Papworth [ a dog ] has been so ill we had to telephone a vet up at 2 a.m. one morning it was a funny night , Jack and I in our dressing gowns in the kitchen trying to comfort Mr. Papworth .
3 The strongest activity has been at the bottom end of the market , where there is considerable pent-up demand from first-time buyers who have delayed buying over the past few years , for fear that house prices would fall further .
4 I remember that luncheon with Basil absolutely perfectly , and that I 'd been at the National Gallery or the Tate , and I had a postcard with me of one of those primitive paintings , naïve paintings , of a cricket match they still have postcards of it .
5 He 'd been at the wrong end when a small company went bust in the city .
6 But er that was , that was very much er clutching at things that might have been at the last moment .
7 It must have been at the very time of the proceedings against Myln that the archbishop of St Andrews received the earl of Argyll 's answers to his letter of admonition of 31 March 1558 , in which he warned the earl of the dangers of his support for Protestantism .
8 ‘ Though we knew by the place where he had fallen that it must have been at the very summit just as the path runs down the cliff to Kinghorn Manor . ’
9 Singer Richard Fairbrass , stormed at the duo at No.12 with Magic Friend : ‘ They could n't have been at the same show .
10 From having been at the very centre of public affairs , the Frost family sank back into almost impenetrable obscurity .
11 Having been at the Methodist conference last week , or fattist .
12 ‘ He 's supposed to have been at the Versorelli Institute in Geneva from the fourth to the fourteenth of November .
13 Eva had been at the International College for Officers for five years .
14 Women had been at the lowest end of Paul 's spectrum of the human race .
15 All three came from the Midlands and had been at the sharp end of the business as salesmen for distribution companies .
16 Even if I had n't won a medal nor got enough promotion , I had been at the sharp end .
17 This reflection went far to set up Harry again in his own esteem , for it meant that Isambard had been sure of his victim 's obstinate silence even under torture ; more sure of it , if the truth were told , than Harry himself had been at the worst moment .
18 The torrent here was almost as fearsome as it had been at the original crossing point , but not so deep .
19 Mr Richardson , whose home was on The Promenade , Llanfairfechan , had been at the Old Court for six months because his wife was in hospital .
20 He and Adam had been at the same school , though he was a bit older .
21 He was three years older than Adam and though they had been at the same school , Highgate , they had not been friends then .
22 In almost the same moment Alexei recalled that his father had been at the same briefing .
23 Across the emptying room another hurt mind had been at the same moment of time glanced by unwanted evocations of shabby Forest sheep nudging together in a brick shelter on a high road through the trees .
24 This is then rotated and scaled , making the ‘ ball ’ appear to bounce in the out of the screen ( Sounds like you 've been at the loony juice again to me — Ed ) .
25 It may be a consolation for them to know that I 've been at the receiving end myself .
26 The conservatives who have been the most vocal advocates of alliance with the US and opponents of communist totalitarianism , have been at the same time among the most strident supporters of Japanese rearmament and the revival of ‘ traditional values ’ .
27 Delegates are still addressed as brother , sister , or comrade , but this year there are electronic signs in the hall giving the speaker 's name — as there have been at the Conservative conference for quite a while .
28 For it was the procedures and practices that have been at the very core of racing tradition for generations that were on trial here , and there was little realistic chance that they should have been found wanting .
29 But he gets the best : the person who provides the real thing ( a contribution to profitability ) , the person who 's been at the sharp end and actually cut a profit from the edge .
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