Example sentences of "have [been] [noun] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The traditional answer given as to the purpose of RE has been nurture within a particular faith .
2 For Brazil , which had been the US 's chief Latin American ally among surrounding neutrals in World War II , the decline of the bipolar alliance system has been part of a long , slow process of growing mutual disenchantment .
3 We are in the early stages of developing a day-case surgery/five-day ward and would be very interested to hear from anyone who has been part of a similar project .
4 The broadening of aims and objectives has not been a sudden panic measure to the market forces of the 1990s but has been part of a professional and careful reassessment which has been in progress since at least the late 1960s .
5 the impact of the Channel Tunnel on Wales has been subject of a recent House of Commons inquiry at which the Welsh Counties Committee argued that considerable benefits could accrue to the Principality if improved transport links with the Tunnel are provided .
6 Since the slump of 1921 there has been a prevailing tendency , occasionally interrupted but invariably resumed before there has been time for a real recovery towards parsimony and restriction .
7 if it existed , would also have been a causal circumstance for c , and , we might add , would not have been part of a causal sequence including cc .
8 This must have been part of a Roman cemetery as again in 1926 near this spot workmen digging on the edge of Lee 's Great Quarry ( Houlder Quarry ) , 20 yards from Clements Farm found a quantity of human bones and pottery .
9 If she could have been part of a warm , loving family , it was what she would have liked most of all .
10 The clear association of religious cults with the buildings at Chedworth can be much strengthened by the existence of other structures in the vicinity which would probably have been part of a large establishment .
11 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
12 Mr Quirke could have been woodcarver to a pre-Christian Irish King .
13 They were all thin people — there 'd almost have been room for a fourth person in the double his parents had bought him as a wedding present , so getting three people in it was certainly not an impossibility .
14 ACCIDENT & General has confirmed that the rate it quoted for last week 's travel insurance table which appeared on page 23 of the Money-Go-Round section of the newspaper should have been £17.90 for a two-week holiday in Europe rather than £14.70 .
15 Now I do n't know if you remember English Whites but Danny Baker once had a caller to 606 who claimed to have been setup for a blind date a few years ago , and when he met the girl in question , one of his mates says ‘ Bloody hell she does n't half look like that player ( Kenny ) who 's in the Blues ’ ( Brum City where he built his stout reputation ) .
16 The three were alleged to have been part of a 30-strong gang which rampaged through the park on April 19 , 1989 , making a series of unprovoked attacks which culminated in the gang-rape of the jogger who was left unconscious with severe head injuries .
17 The liberals were equally determined to use their parliamentary power to prevent reaction : in masonic circles there seems even to have been talk of a republican dictatorship .
18 Another German atrocity was the execution by firing squad , in 1915 , of Nurse Edith Cavell , who had been matron of a Belgian Hospital in Brussells since 1907 , and had stayed on duty despite the German invasion of that country , and who had been accused by the Germans , of assisting British , French and Belgian soldiers to escape captivity .
19 After a heart-to-heart talk , she had gently ordered him home for the rest of the week , and since that time they had been friends in a reserved sort of way .
20 Elwin Wright , who up until 1937 had been secretary of a respectable Anglo-German Fellowship , advocated the shooting of Jews , called Neville Chamberlain a liar and a traitor and stated that Parliament was a ‘ blackmailing corrupt body of bastards . ’
21 This polarisation of attitudes was perhaps unfortunate since there had been signs of a certain willingness on the part of the Department to reconsider the validity of their ideas and to give some weight to the social issues behind the public reaction to the housing policy .
22 Rezzag Bara , chairman of a commission of inquiry into the assassination in June of President Mohammed Boudiaf [ see p. 38981 , said on Algerian television on Dec. 10 that the killing had been part of a wider conspiracy serving the interests of radical Moslem movements .
23 At one time the Kaszubians and their Pomeranian kin had been part of a powerful independent principality : their territory had stretched from the gulf of Danzig westwards to Słupsk ( Stolp ) and the river Słupia ( Stolpe ) , where the small town of Dębnica Kaszubska ( literally : Kaszubian Oaks ) still survives .
24 She had been part of a long stream of women who had come and gone swiftly , lives collapsing in one area as they gained power and certainty in another .
25 The confident mood of the left in the 1960s had been part of a sudden wider upsurge in creativity concentrated on the arts , pop music , fashion , ‘ lifestyle ’ and sexual attitudes .
26 She had an abundance of tales from the old colonial days , when she had been cook for a white family .
27 Yet when I emerged from that heaven-haven of sexual absolution , I would feel guilty , frightened , torn between happiness at being liberated from overwhelming sexual tension and the scared wonder of the events , as if they had been rituals in a half-remembered primitive religion .
28 At Eton , he had been fag to a charmless older boy who had wasted no time in introducing Henry to the joys of homosexuality .
29 I 've been friends for a few years with the head stalker of Corrour estate , Ted Piggott , and his wife Theresia .
30 We are , we are debt free , we 've been debt for a long time .
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