Example sentences of "have [not/n't] be [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although clearance under s138 is advisable , it is not essential to the operation of s135 , though some tax inspectors seem to assume that where clearance has not been obtained the anti-avoidance provision in s137 will automatically apply to deny capital gains tax deferral .
2 New Zealand Test star Iro has not been given a new contract by Manly and was offered back to Wigan last week .
3 This fish has not been given a common name and is usually referred to as the ‘ sebae ’ .
4 He accepts that he can not make a categorical statement about innocence or guilt , but he feels that his constituent has not been given a fair hearing .
5 Certainly , this has not been yielding the same profits as four years ago , but the Japanese are not entirely absent from the sale rooms nonetheless , even though more often in order to sell than to buy .
6 A smaller table was beside the desk with a high-backed typewriter , the sign of a junior executive who has not been allocated a personal secretary and must write his own memoranda .
7 But there are grounds for scepticism : there has not been produced a clear coherent overall plan which places significant values , skills and , characteristics at the forefront of the curriculum .
8 The jubilant Knox wrote about her death in terms which make it clear why charity has not been thought a notable feature of Scottish Calvinism .
9 If a separate confidentiality agreement has not been signed an appropriate undertaking can be embodied in the heads .
10 Well but I mean , Brian was saying himself you know he ca n't remember at least he 's says he 's been working down London when he has n't been earning a hundred pound a day you know , it 's something , we just accepted it , he said over the years I 've been earning a hundred pound a day he says , and that was it you know yo yo just do .
11 He has nt been given a real chance — but it is quite a difficult position to get a decent run if you are nt 1st choice .
12 Yet the large majority of our teenagers said they had not been taught the practical realities of avoiding AIDS until they were at least 15 .
13 In many ways this was a sensible policy since even if Danzig had not been made a Free City and had remained within the long arm of Prussia , the local economy was too poor to maintain it for long ; a German Danzig would still have been forced to rely upon a distant Vistula hinterland .
14 In small intestinal mucosa homogenates from patients who had not been treated the increased basal adenylate cyclase activity , reported also by others .
15 If one of them had not been riding a white horse I would never have noticed them .
16 Perhaps if he had not been created a cardinal deacon he would have stayed in Bologna longer .
17 Broadly , the survey confirmed that parents of children with special needs had not been given a real choice of placement , and that they had to fight hard for mainstream provision if this was their choice .
18 Unmet need was said to exist where there was a care option which had not been given a recent trial and had not been recently refused by the client .
19 Handicapped people were simply those who had not been given the right tool kit .
20 Myeloski knew that Duncan had not been told the whole truth .
21 Er but er they 've not been studied a great deal by
22 ‘ And I 've not been given a good reason for it . ’
23 She glanced at her left hand as if she 'd forgotten the fact , and was instantly ashamed to find herself wishing she had n't been wearing the showy diamond solitaire .
24 A member of the group had been bothered had n't been given the right advice for some years .
25 But Beatrice complained sadly that she had nothing to wear that had n't been seen a hundred times .
26 Gullible had n't been driving a great big lorry around the place and putting down rat poison .
27 In 1912 Eleanor Barton , a spokeswoman for the WCG ( albeit herself middle class ) , voiced the opinion that ‘ women suffer a great deal through their husbands ’ sensuality , and that is more evident amongst working people than other classes , simply because the conditions of life lend themselves to that sort of thing , and they have not been taught the proper uses of their bodies ' .
28 Even when they have not been beating a religious drum , Western historians have been censured for their myopia in treating modern science as if it were an exclusively Western phenomenon .
29 ‘ I am sad we have not been afforded the same welcome given to the Beirut hostages , ’ he told a deeply moved audience at the AGM last month .
30 He 's not been given a legal decision , he 's passed an opinion , saying oh , this , this woman , was , you know , encouraging the man , and things like that , and that 's what gets people 's backs up , I think .
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