Example sentences of "have [to-vb] the [noun sg] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If we tried to extend that to all Labour Members rather than to ex-leaders , we would have to debate the issue all week to tempt them to their feet .
2 ‘ If they each do their own thing they will repeat things , but if we can bring that all together and have a centralised repository for the work that people have done , it will save having to reinvent the wheel each time .
3 A die-hard SVR4 advocate , Tandem is interested in seeing its fault-tolerant enablers incorporated in the base operating system to save it from having to re-invent the wheel each time a revision is done and to allow it to focus on true value-added differentiators .
4 If you are using low density disks in high density drives you will have to give the computer extra information on the format line .
5 Since I would have to start the engine some time in any case , it might be best to do so now , cloaked by the noise of the steam engine thudding somewhere overhead .
6 If you find yourself in the position of having to land the model some distance away ( which you will ) , here again they will be of great help .
7 His mere presence signals the fact that the opposition will have to bury the side ten feet under before they will concede victory .
8 One like that , you see we 'd have to move the point two places to the left , so we 'll have to introduce another zero .
9 As we have seen , horses can learn some things very quickly , and once learnt it becomes a habit so they do n't have to reconsider the matter each time it arises .
10 For me , having to enter the ground last Sunday through the area and tunnel where the crush had taken place was a chilling experience .
11 You had to give the woman full marks for persistence .
12 In the end Rain had to leave the car some way from the rue de Rivoli .
13 I had to ring the bell several times before Karen finally appeared .
14 ‘ Well , that 's why he had to take the money last night , then !
15 It was inconvenient for a villager to walk that far to report a theft , especially since he often had to make the trip several times if he wanted to complete a prosecution .
16 He had to tell the story umpteen times , getting a little further into the tale each time , whereupon she 'd ask to be taken from the beginning again .
17 She she had to cut the harvest one year .
18 So you 'd name this as butane in other words , you 're saying it 's a butane chain you take off the E you will add O L and if there are positional isomers possible you have to indicate the position one O L butane one L one O L butane one O L.
19 With a traditional spreadsheet , if you 've got 5,000 product types , and you want to perform the same calculation on each — for instance subtract the costs from the sale price — you have to duplicate the formula 5,000 times .
20 Speaking of the challenges facing the service , Hartlepool 's superintendent registrar Peter Spires , said : ‘ New technology will have an enormous impact and we also have to consider the Government white paper on the service . ’
21 At the same time , however , we have to consider the possibility that members of society ( consumers ? ) may not care about ‘ representativeness ’ : setting up , say , a left-of-centre paper is a considerably simpler task than making people read it .
22 It is like taking out a mortgage : we have to repay the loan many times over .
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