Example sentences of "have [to-vb] the [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 With Prince Philip , she has to share the blame for the disastrous decade which has engulfed the royals .
2 Lewis 's manager , Frank Maloney , admitted : ‘ We have had to cancel the fight for the time being .
3 From 1988 , candidates will be able to take CGLI examinations on a modular basis , building up credits rather than having to sit the examination for the full certificate at one time .
4 In the same week in which the Wall Street Journal editorial appeared , it was announced in Britain that an extensive study of lone parents ' reliance on social security would be carried out after comments from Ministers that the state is having to foot the bill for the so-called dependency culture ( Guardian , 18 January 1989 , p. 3 ) .
5 I think that 's a a lamentable state of affairs , and their children , and their children 's children are going to have to pay the price for the short-sightedness that 's going on now in the ivory towers of the of the city , the the banking institutions and the financial institutions of the country .
6 In most cases the tenant will only close the premises if the tenant 's business is unprofitable , and therefore the last thing the tenant wants is then to have to reimburse the landlord for the landlord 's loss of rating relief .
7 Chairman I think I have to offer an apology to members and Mr in particular and the town of Bungay with a rather erm over which sentence expressing the press release , I mean we are continually trying to issue news items , press releases , progress reports and anything we 're doing and usually the press are very good and quoted for a basis , sometimes they get it wrong and mangle it up with some bits of disaster , on this occasion that is not the case , the , the actual press report did determine the phraseology used in my in lease them so I have to accept the responsibility for the phrase to act of your recommended this morning so it down sake , could abandon ideas which they can buy it , of course those crazy ideas used in and out of the court is what matters .
8 If he wanted to refer a patient to a nursing home and the social work team recommended district nursing in the patient 's own home , he would not only be overruled but also have to foot the bill for the nurse .
9 You buy a house and have to pay the government for the pleasure .
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