Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [adv prt] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He says he 's feeling better but he has to go back to the hospice .
2 The twentieth-century preference for ‘ the colloquial ’ in poetry may well be a temporary phenomenon ; Donald Davie 's Purity of Diction in English Verse ( 1952 ) , together with his admiration for the late Augustans , represent one attempt to revive an interest in the use of a ‘ civilized ’ diction ; it is interesting that he has to go back to the age before Wordsworth .
3 For comparison , one really has to go back to the Renaissance , to someone like Giovanni Bellini , who travelled an enormous territory ; even to Giotto , the artist who Matisse said was the peak of his aspiration .
4 In the meantime he has to go back to the town on further business , but first his horse needs shoeing , his cart needs repairing and he needs food and shelter .
5 ‘ We 've only got her for five years , then she has to go back to the Foundling Hospital . ’
6 He is n't allowed to play football and has to go back to the hospital for treatment .
7 One only has to see Back to the Future to realize what problems could arise .
8 Since a much-used living room has to stand up to a lot of traffic , it needs a superior quality , heavy duty carpet of either 100 per cent wool or 80 per cent wool/20 per cent nylon .
9 Yeah that was so funny , you know the bit he has to come up to the house to erm has , has to come up to the house
10 Yeah that was so funny , you know the bit he has to come up to the house to erm has , has to come up to the house
11 has to come up to the house to talk to him and erm like he sort of opens the door and just shuts it in his face cos he finds out the other bloke 's a prince and he 's just standing there in the rain .
12 Do n't put yourself in a situation where the treasurer has to come back to the committee to argue over every last penny .
13 When a cut has to extend up to a wall , for example , the sole plate can be moved back , out of the way , by turning just one central screw .
14 exactly , but who has to pay in to the contingency fund if it 's agreed by the residence ?
15 If we fell off the rope we would have had to go back to the start .
16 Going back to the agents up in the town , the boatmen to get information about a ship coming in they would have to go up to the town
17 They would have to go up to the town , yes
18 Do these all have to go up to the tower ? ’
19 He would have to go round to the back .
20 I would have to go off to the lavatory , come back and start the same scene with a variation .
21 I 'll have to go down to the roundabout and come back up .
22 I think it 'll have to go down to the post office , I 've write to Diane now
23 Unless — do you have to go back to a hospital with it , or anything ? ’
24 She would have to go back to the hotel , or find another just as bad , and resume the soul-destroying trudge from one unsuitable rabbit-hutch to another .
25 You 'll have to go back to the nursery .
26 He might have to go back to the road and start again .
27 This also enables any eventual profit to be kept in the long term , avoiding the problem that if it is retained , any eventual surplus would have to go back to the borrower .
28 " I may have to go back to the bank for an hour or so — there 'll be all sorts of things piling up on my desk .
29 I 'll have to go back to the shop , and check up on them , as I said , hut I imagine you wo n't grudge me a glass of brandy first . "
30 The box in the bathroom is empty , you 'll have to go out to the veranda . ’
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