Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Chinese parents do , of course , shower love and attention on their children but it is always made quite clear that child's-play has to remain well within the limits of normal social behaviour .
2 Even the Chancellor of Oxford University , Roy Jenkins , has to wait outside on the steps of the Clarendon buildings on a cold November morning , when the Sultan of Brunei is in town .
3 He has to work hard in the fields .
4 In effect , when section 89 applies , the company if it wishes to issue equity shares for cash , has to do so by a rights issue , as described in chapter 13 or a similar process if it is a private company .
5 It 's had to go away to the makers .
6 They 'll have to go again by the sounds of it .
7 Gran : ‘ This place is great , we 'll have to come again without the children ! ’
8 Thus , unlike the others , the mountain goat does not have to walk continuously on the sides of its hooves : when it is leaping or running , the side of the hoof will give , bringing a much greater area of the toe into contact with the ground and greatly increasing the animal 's ability to keep a grip on the icy rock .
9 We 'll still have to do all round the doors , round the you know .
10 THE end of the royal marriage means that the couple will never again have to live together in the homes they grew to hate .
11 Instead of viewing this development with hostility it celebrates the way in which the modern public company has reduced the shareholders to passive property owners , thus freeing the managers from having to act purely in the interests of shareholders .
12 Whatever the outcome , the government is bound to have to pay dearly for the consequences of a utopian scheme , which , whatever one 's opinion of the welfare system , was one of its most generous and uncritical offshoots .
13 We had to pass right by the men .
14 When he did finally get to his feet his legs were unsteady and he had to stick close to the tables for support on his way to the door .
15 In mitigation Ronald Coia said Mr Siddle had been at his son 's home but decided he had to get away from the festivities .
16 ‘ Ah — your wife had to go out , so you had to stay home with the children ? ’
17 He would have preferred a spinning wheel for her to sit at , but one had to move forward with the times .
18 Yeah and I have to walk away from the others .
19 As one top London restaurant chef said , ‘ you have to stick rigidly to the basics of hygiene and constantly motivate your staff to the highest standard .
20 The is interesting because of course planning is an eggshells area where you have to tiptoe delicately through the tulips .
21 If people think that the exchange rate will fall further , importers will buy now before the rate does fall and they have to pay more for the imports .
22 What we have to say here about the plans which we studied , approximately half of all those produced , could be called elucidatory rather than evaluative .
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