Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 You can imagine my annoyance , then , that a ) there are no fiscal financial incentives whatsoever to encourage more people to cycle , and b ) that my health has to suffer from car-induced pollution although I do not contribute to it myself .
2 Have to has to come into common use before it gets into the dictionary .
3 Now , each householder or tenant in a Scottish Homes estate in West Lothian has to pay for this service as well their poll tax .
4 Erm , how often do you go to a meeting or have you been to a meeting , which has to stop for twenty minutes because some clown has left the files in his office , and he has to go back and retrieve them .
5 But Jarvis 's greatest pleasure came from knowing that this line , whose builders had had to work in compressed air because of the high water-table in downtown San Francisco , passed through the rock under the deepest bay in the world .
6 A student theatre has had to close for four months because of the risk of fire .
7 ‘ That 's possible — he knows I 'll be looking for him — but he 'll have to remain in this country until he can collect his legacy , and by then he 'll expect me to have given up . ’
8 We might well have to wait for six months before we found a prahu which was heading in the right direction .
9 Your financial situation can improve , but you may have to wait until next year before you are entirely out of the woods .
10 ‘ We will have to wait until next month before we can confirm or deny whether this is so or make a more informed assessment , ’ he said .
11 They may have different areas of expertise and will be able to concentrate on these without having to sit through lengthy periods when colleagues are asking questions about their own area of interest .
12 How much longer would she have to sit with these women before Philip came in and they could decently go home ?
13 We will now have to concentrate on those areas where we can best create value for our shareholders . ’
14 When some years ago I decided to pay the Life Governor 's subscription the expense was for me a serious cost but was willing to pay it to ensure that I should continue to enjoy the privileges without having to worry about future subscriptions when I had retired from salaried work .
15 I shall have to write in small letters as my pile of paper has considerably diminished , but write it I must .
16 ‘ Obviously you do not have to answer at this stage if you would prefer not to , but I wondered if Mr Riddle had taken out any substantial life insurance or endowment policies ? ’
17 Also , the more likely Austria would be to avoid Germany 's fate of having to fight on two fronts if neutral Italy entered the war on the Allied side .
18 Why sho why should we have to pay for this service as well as our poll tax ?
19 Our 1985–6 pilot study suggested that coordinators were having to take on more roles than they could cope with .
20 However , Suffolk 's social services director Bill Bulpin said there was no question of old people having to move from residential care once they were established there .
21 Though he sometimes raised the possibility of having to step outside normal channels if " certain people were to stifle democracy " , this was just provocative rhetoric .
22 I do n't have to speak to 25 people before I can reach her on the phone .
23 Though debt-for-equity swaps represent one way for banks to recover part of their developing country debt exposure , they still stand to lose money and look likely to have to wait for some years before they can cash in their equity stakes .
24 Okay , we can agree what I have said so far but then I 'm going to have to look at other things once I 've made further changes .
25 After the concert she had to wait for four minutes before McCartney could rejoin her … while he accepted a standing ovation .
26 The trouble was that after they were born , children had to wait for six years before they could be sent to school and forgotten for most of the day .
27 He had to wait for fifteen minutes before he was admitted to the Agency 's annexe .
28 She had to wait for some time before the door was opened , and she hoped very much that it would be opened by Clelia , but it was not ; it was opened by a thin , brown , balding , youngish looking man .
29 Electrical stimulation could produce dramatic effects , but the proper study of electro-physiology had to wait for some time until it was possible to record small electrical potentials .
30 We had to wait for some days until a convoy of ships was ready .
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