Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
2 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
3 He says he 's feeling better but he has to go back to the hospice .
4 Both were successful in their task , Phyllisia no longer has to go back to the West Indies and Celie was reunited with all her family .
5 The twentieth-century preference for ‘ the colloquial ’ in poetry may well be a temporary phenomenon ; Donald Davie 's Purity of Diction in English Verse ( 1952 ) , together with his admiration for the late Augustans , represent one attempt to revive an interest in the use of a ‘ civilized ’ diction ; it is interesting that he has to go back to the age before Wordsworth .
6 For comparison , one really has to go back to the Renaissance , to someone like Giovanni Bellini , who travelled an enormous territory ; even to Giotto , the artist who Matisse said was the peak of his aspiration .
7 In the meantime he has to go back to the town on further business , but first his horse needs shoeing , his cart needs repairing and he needs food and shelter .
8 ‘ We 've only got her for five years , then she has to go back to the Foundling Hospital . ’
9 He is n't allowed to play football and has to go back to the hospital for treatment .
10 Danny has to go down on the floor , put his hands on hips and go , evening all !
11 One only has to see Back to the Future to realize what problems could arise .
12 Chinese parents do , of course , shower love and attention on their children but it is always made quite clear that child's-play has to remain well within the limits of normal social behaviour .
13 The practical tasks a carer has to carry out for a dementia sufferer are not necessarily , of course , the hardest part of care .
14 Even the Chancellor of Oxford University , Roy Jenkins , has to wait outside on the steps of the Clarendon buildings on a cold November morning , when the Sultan of Brunei is in town .
15 There is never a moment when Dustin gets as worried as Gary Cooper in High Noon , although , like Cooper , he has to cope singlehandedly with a number of killers , and is only saved at the final moment when his wife blasts the last opponent with a shotgun .
16 The eye has to jump ahead to the source marker , or register it peripherally , and link it correctly to the preceding text .
17 He has to work hard in the fields .
18 Out of court he has to work far into the night , night after night , working hard and continuously at a mass of detail .
19 Since a much-used living room has to stand up to a lot of traffic , it needs a superior quality , heavy duty carpet of either 100 per cent wool or 80 per cent wool/20 per cent nylon .
20 " Heinrich has to stand here on the deck while you drone on , said Tilda .
21 One business source said : ‘ He has a low base salary and he has to stand out in the sun a great deal longer before he gets a bonus at the oasis .
22 Yeah that was so funny , you know the bit he has to come up to the house to erm has , has to come up to the house
23 Yeah that was so funny , you know the bit he has to come up to the house to erm has , has to come up to the house
24 has to come up to the house to talk to him and erm like he sort of opens the door and just shuts it in his face cos he finds out the other bloke 's a prince and he 's just standing there in the rain .
25 He has to come up with a strategy which will instill new financial disciplines in Polish industry and satisfy the demands of the workers/public en masse .
26 I mean eventually eventually , sooner or later and it might be later if somebody else will still it has to come out of the profit margin .
27 Do n't put yourself in a situation where the treasurer has to come back to the committee to argue over every last penny .
28 What , the two er eldest have to wash up and she has to sweep up round the table .
29 Howard hugs her , and has to look away for a moment , he is so moved .
30 This means the customer has to walk right through the store and may well be tempted by other items .
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