Example sentences of "have [vb pp] me [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No yes Mr Singe is dedicated to the fewcher of Athletes Whaddon and to proove it has prezented me with a BLANK czech for £53–24p only , which is at my dispozal for strainthning the squid .
2 An offshore worker has presented me with a detailed file containing his experiences as a safety representative .
3 I am pleased to have the opportunity to raise this subject which has interested me for a long time .
4 The minister was told plainly that ‘ the election of a member of parliament , and other publick services , has drawn me into a great deall of expence , and no small trouble … ’
5 ‘ I 've seen him myself , or else hearing about it has put me in a special state of mind , and all the other factors have come up right , atmospheric conditions , combinations of light and dark , what you like , and made me create what I believed I was seeing .
6 Their one hundred and fifty ton heavy life crane would have coped with that job easily enough but I hastily declined his offer which , apart from any other consideration would have placed me at a slight disadvantage .
7 ‘ A very large beetle ’ , she will say , as if she would n't have bothered me about a smaller one ; or ‘ The steps were slippery ’ ; or merely ( which strikes me as cryptic to the point of tautology ) , ‘ Something nasty ’ .
8 They 'd never have allowed me on a scheduled flight , and this is one party I would n't miss .
9 She would have passed me by a few feet , perhaps not noticing me .
10 However , my secretary , ex-pupil Peter Vroomking , was to have provided me with a typed list , which has not materialised … on the other hand , Peter has recently been discovering himself as a human being … and I am sure those of you who are still here will wish to join me in congratulating … could somebody stop that door banging ?
11 ‘ Oh , I did that , ’ she told him flatly , ‘ but if that was your intention which I doubt , do n't you think it might have been kinder to have left me with a few illusions ? ’
12 ‘ You should 've sent me to a decent school , ’ said Camille .
13 I had heard the bell toll … the wave of ecstasy which drove me on to this shore had pressed me into a dark , dull interior .
14 ‘ You 've caught me on a bad day , ’ grunts Graeme Souness , as he ambles across the mahogany lined reception at Ibrox .
15 ‘ You 've caught me on a bad day , I 'm afraid . ’
16 They had provided me with a small team of assistants and advisers , and a more agreeable collection of people one could not have found .
17 The owner had known me for a long time and asked me if I could run a brothel .
18 ‘ Not unless one of them had asked me for a spare key — and no-one did . ’
19 A young , innocent man , very knowledgeable about ferrets , the driver had led me across a scrubby field that led to the riverbank and had then triumphantly pointed to a weathered stone below a thorn bush .
20 I was slumped against him , almost fainting , conscious only that he had led me behind a red-brick loggia , obviously so that we would be out of sight of the people in the main concourse while he dispatched me .
21 If people had taken me as a sincere , genuine man who was worried , I think we could have avoided all that has happened .
22 I said when I was told the Echo had seconded me to a new day job , a comic career move .
23 I said when I was told the Echo had seconded me to a new day job , a comic career move .
24 I like that one and now you 've put me in a difficult position cos I like that one , have that one , but I like the lockable cupboard on the other one .
25 I mean , he 's respected me in a queer way .
26 ‘ Twice you have surprised me within a few minutes , Mr. Preston .
27 I do n't know Norman 's reaction to Fergie 's story but I can say they have left me with a bitter feeling .
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