Example sentences of "have [vb pp] at [num] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 But the service had looked at 18 areas and applied a Home Office computer to determine which fire station turns out first to a fire .
2 we done all that erm Wa , Walkman all that sort of thing we 've done at one time or other .
3 Mr B. P. reported that he had already lost 3 stone some time before but had stuck at 15 stone and was pleased when he started to lose again .
4 This was a precious baby : four months earlier Fiona , then 31 , had miscarried at 13 weeks and was determined that this time things would go well .
5 Reading the old files , it is interesting to note how many well-known Institute figures have served at one time or another on the TAC .
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