Example sentences of "have [vb pp] he [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In America , where they have a fondness for creating lists of the greatest ever people , his Plight of English has placed him among the very top writers on the English language .
2 One , an older school , has seen him as a noble if embattled statesman .
3 The huge international interest in Brightness which followed his escape to freedom in Turkish waters , has turned him into a valuable commodity .
4 It has made him into a bitter man and I quite understand that bitterness .
5 He went straight to the practice putting green to cure a defect that has robbed him of a commanding lead .
6 Although he left no explicit statement of belief , recent scholarship has shown him as a consistent sponsor of reform , both in his local activities and as an intermediary between suitors and the Crown .
7 ‘ Maverick limey has negotiated the hell-fire of the Brain and the almighty trail-boss Midwinter has summoned him for a special assignment . ’
8 But she has lured him into a giant press , through which she has crawled , and is just able to throw the switch .
9 The official receiver or whoever is the chairman of the meeting must certify the appointment of the trustee , but not until the per son appointed has provided him with a written statement that he is a qualified insolvency practitioner and consents to act ( r 6.120(2) ) .
10 A recent assessment of Beccaria has portrayed him as a cautious conservative who successfully redirected enlightenment thinking away from a potentially much more radical path : ‘ His sudden fame can be attributed to the relief of educated society that it was possible to hold rational ‘ enlightened ’ views on human behaviour without having to accept radical materialism' ( Jenkins , 1984 , p. 113 ) .
11 For one thing , his obsession with tactics has led him into an absurd devaluation of the merits and achievements of Peter Beardsley .
12 It has led him from the brooding atmosphere of his early novels to the limpid clarity of his last .
13 His research has taken him through the alpine and arid zones of Australia ; botanical history is one of his many interests , and he specialises in the ‘ Compositae ’ family .
14 THE BUCK STOPS HERE : Trevor McDonald 's distinguished career has taken him from a poor , but loving , childhood in Trinidad to being ITN 's first solo anchorman Picture : BILL KENNEDY
15 Peter says that the weekend has left him with a lasting impression of the professionalism of the TA .
16 For Wesker , the fortunes of Shylock have been all too typical of a career plagued by bad luck which has left him with a sizeable canon of rarely performed work .
17 As soon as you deigned to tell me that the Svend you were looking for was a student , and that he 'd used my home as a hotel , I recalled that my nephew spent a night here shortly after I moved in so that he could attend a lecture at the city university , and that I 'd entrusted him with a spare key so he could come and go as he pleased . ’
18 They 'd locked him in a dirty little hole with a bed you would n't put a dog under .
19 Yeah , I found , only because I went out one night , and , it was when Mike was still next door and what I 'd done I 'd locked him in the back room and he said he was howling
20 She 'd invited him round the previous evening and things had n't gone at all as he 'd hoped .
21 But he was sitting where we 'd left him beside an empty biscuit tin .
22 I could n't have stopped him with an anti-tank gun .
23 Could I have caught him at a bad moment , could he have mellowed , I could n't believe it .
24 Would you have made him into the working-class Christopher Fry ?
25 If we could have got him to a warm climate we might have kept him alive for a year or two more than we did .
26 It might have been expected that the tribal masks and statuettes that had such a profound effect on Picasso 's painting would have excited him to a new activity in the field of sculpture as they did Derain and , to a certain extent , Matisse .
27 The headmistressy tone should have reduced him to an ill-behaved schoolboy .
28 Sir James Barrie would have known him for a Lost Boy .
29 Had the batsman not ducked , the ball might have struck him in the solar plexus .
30 He was described as an enthusiastic , determined and well-turned-out soldier with leadership qualities which could have taken him to the top warrant officer rank .
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