Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [art] more " in BNC.

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1 Lennie ( 1980 ) has come up with a more challenging suggestion .
2 There 's also Bob 's ‘ Songs Of Freedom ’ , a force worldwide , but out of fashion in Jamaica , a country that has moved on to the more bodily delights of raggamuffin .
3 But he could not have come back at a more opportune time as far as Selkirk are concerned .
4 predisposing the Chinese to think of blood as circulating and of the earth as having condensed out of a more fluid state ( hence the fossil sea shells found up in mountains ) .
5 By 1912 , however , the influence of Matisse and the Fauves , which the Brücke had grafted on to a more purely native form of Expressionism , was definitely on the wane , and German painters were feeling the influence of both Cubism and Futurism .
6 She looked very vulnerable and Emily wished that they had started off on a more pleasant footing .
7 Whereas the bulk of athletes being attracted to this new four-pronged sport have spilled over from the more established triathlon ranks , and so have found the canoeing discipline particularly tough , Graham has the advantage of a fine record with the paddle .
8 That is because the offspring of the traditional older working class have gone on to the more pleasant and remunerative employments , the employments that are also called work .
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