Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] a large [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The University has turned round a large trading loss in one year .
2 Since then Stagecoach has disposed of a large part of the bus operations .
3 By section 38 , an authorised institution other than one whose principal place of business is outside the United Kingdom is obliged to make a report to the Bank of England when it has entered into a large transaction as defined by the section with consequent large exposure to risk .
4 An employee package has been developed which has led to a large proportion of the authority 's employees being paid by automated direct credit through BACS .
5 Thus in Figure 17.6 , with money supply controlled at M s even a fairly moderate increase in demand from L to L' has led to a large rise in interest rates from r to r 1 .
6 The problem of childcare is aggravated by the high divorce rate ( over 60% in Moscow and 33% elsewhere ) which has led to a large number of single parent families .
7 Political interest in these areas has led to a large number of initiatives .
8 Over the years indiscriminate dumping has resulted in a large number of environmentally dangerous sites that are leaking toxic and hazardous chemicals .
9 Peter Bergg has put in a large number of Press statements reflecting his current activities on behalf of Darlington 's residents but the vast majority have been totally ignored by the Echo 's reporters .
10 He has lived in a large house in Buckinghamshire for several years .
11 A post morteum revealled she 'd died from a large fracture of the skull , soon after she 'd been born .
12 Audit new systems : evaluate present systems to identify mistakes and hence avoid their repetition and to identify areas where a small resource input might have led to a larger benefit .
13 Presidential elections were held last May and the opposition candidate , Guillermo Endara , is believed to have won by a large majority , but the elections were annulled by the general amid renewed protests .
14 Rafael Eitan resigned as Minister of Agriculture on Dec. 24 in protest at Likud 's opposition to proposals for the direct election of the Prime Minister ; the Likud central committee had voted by a large majority on Dec. 23 against the direct election of the Prime Minister .
15 But someone had built on a large extension to the rear and this housed the kitchen , which as Meredith was to discover , was large , modern and furbished it seemed with every kind of modern gadget .
16 Traffic of this kind had occurred on a large scale in the period following on the October Revolution , but if there had been any ‘ bagmen ’ left by 1921–2 in the Middle Volga region , they would have been ruthlessly stamped out .
17 Britain had played a major part in the Bretton Woods agreement which , through the establishment of the International Monetary Fund , led to a major role for sterling as a reserve currency [ Eckes , 1975 ] ; and in 1945 , after considerable debate , it had opted for a large US loan ( $3.75bn plus $650m in settlement of Lend-Lease obligations ) as against tighter domestic restrictions on consumption , to help to overcome post-war shortages of goods and materials .
18 In 1911 he had acquired , with Lloyd George and the attorney-general , Sir Rufus Isaacs ( later first Marquess of Reading , q.v. ) , a personal shareholding in the American Marconi Company , soon after the British Marconi Company had entered into a large contract with the British government .
19 This had ominous implications for a party whose political strength in the 1980s had rested to a large extent on its competence in managing economic prosperity .
20 Richard had concluded with a large exclamation mark .
21 The report further claimed that the deteriorating security situation in Sind had led to a large flow of capital and industry out of Karachi , Pakistan 's largest city and a major port , during January and February .
22 A general rise in crime had also been reported since the beginning of the year , following an amnesty which had led to a large number of convicted offenders being released from prison [ see p. 37192 ] .
23 It 's surrounded by a large volume of air is n't it ?
24 Since the start of the project I have spoken to a large number of disabled people who often begin by describing their daytime occupation or the type of work they would like to do .
25 Instead , they have beached in a large stain across Britain 's front gardens .
26 Others are said to be re-examining their positions in light of the latest industry consolidations and have baulked at a large scale media event to mark the signing of a common Unix document .
27 Those who have lived with a large refrigerator on board their yacht in sunnier climes will remember what a bother it is to have to run the engine for an hour every day to keep the drinks cold and the food fresh .
28 An alternative hypothesis is that clinical studies have evolved towards a larger format over the past decade , with a corresponding increase in the number of contributors .
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