Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] a different [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sting 's set with a fascinatingly diverse band sounded as though he has moved into a different dimension from his Police days — to this reviewer at least , he was a revelation .
2 ( In my enthusiasm , I sent this letter to everyone whose name and number were on my telephone pad ( I ’ d been out rather a lot , and other members of the family took the calls ) ; this included someone who 'd phoned for a different reason , and next day I got a somewhat bemused call from an elderly gentleman who had never heard of Donkey Lane , but thought it sounded a splendid project and wanted to know all about it .
3 It was as if he 'd gone into a different world . ’
4 If we sh wanted other conditions we 'd live on a different planet or we would have developed on a different plant .
5 Even mankind might have developed from a different species .
6 If the directors do state their reasons the court will investigate them to the extent of seeing whether they have acted on the right principles and will overrule their decision if they have acted on considerations which should not have weighed with them , but not merely because the court would have come to a different conclusion .
7 Early in 1971 Waddell was found guilty of committing perjury at Meehan 's trial and in sentencing him to three years ' imprisonment Lord Cameron suggested that had he told the truth there , the Meehan jury might well have arrived at a different verdict .
8 They might have belonged to a different species .
9 In that case the beneficiaries would have been Muslims but they could just as easily have belonged to a different group .
10 or surely we 'd have gone for a different lot ,
11 The split could have gone in a different direction with different characterizations and emphases within the overall framework .
12 Science and technology must surely have progressed in a different way if these principles had been embraced from the start .
13 Agreement on Germany and the provision of Marshall Aid without strings might have led to a different outcome .
14 She claimed to have come from a different school but her story somehow did n't ring true .
15 I think I should add very shortly that having considered the many authorities cited , even if I had come to a different conclusion on the issue about consideration , I would have come to the same decision adverse to the owners on the question whether the payments were made voluntarily in the sense of being made to close the transaction .
16 I knew so little about who had held them and how they had got out , it seemed as if they had come from a different world , a different time .
17 Later it was revealed that the money had come from a different source .
18 ‘ You 're right — and that 's why I 've decided on a different plan , one that will keep us safely out of temptation 's way . ’
19 But in our time , it 's very quiet now so we 've we 've moved into a different routine again , where I have two two sergeants out at one time , changing over er frequently so they do n't get bored .
20 I had had one very close childhood friend , Maeve , but her family had moved to a different part of the country and I never saw her again .
21 The industry , meanwhile , had moved into a different era ; the international standards had changed , and it was time to bring the law up-to-date .
22 Around three in ten of those who reported paid work within 10 years of their first birth had returned to a different type of job that was likely to have been worse paid than the one they last held before the maternity .
23 Scottish psychiatric services have developed at a different pace and in a somewhat different form from those south of the border .
24 There are some slight variations in it , and it 's come from a different U S mill and , for example , there are three items at the end which were required and you offered us six millimetres , they 're now six point three five millimetres , which is quarter inch , that 's fine , erm .
25 No it does n't does it , it 's spelt in a different way is n't it ?
26 " Do n't worry , there are other worlds in which the quantum fluctuations have gone along a different path which will prevent the crash .
27 But , since glasnost , they have lived in a different world .
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