Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [to-vb] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He said he 's pleased that Pakistan has decided to come back into the Commonwealth .
2 By eschewing the obvious solution of a differential dividend payment , the group has had to fall back on the option of endowing the chemicals company with additional cash by way of a rights issue from Zeneca .
3 And it more or less made it that we 'd got to go back for the ten and thruppence .
4 By mutual consent they 'd begun to walk back towards the centre of the city , in the direction of Republic Square .
5 The Corporal stopped , ordering the boy who 'd fired to go back to the spot and engage the malais as they came down the road .
6 Stephen would have preferred to walk back across the Vale of Allen and Foinmen 's Plain but he had no torch and tonight there would only be a thin , new moon .
7 If we fell off the rope we would have had to go back to the start .
8 She could have refused to go back to the Ward house , but she owed this woman everything .
9 for me , so , I 've arranged to go back to the dentist then .
10 He had intended to head back to the funicolare station but perhaps he had taken a wrong turning somewhere in his hurry to get away from Maidstone 's apartment .
11 After Millie had turned to run back into the house , Ben said , ‘ So that 's what he wanted .
12 Burton said that he had promised to go back to the Old Vic for £45 a week to do Hamlet , and he was sticking to it .
13 ‘ First I 've got to go back into the Castle and get my brother . ’
14 If you want to know why things have turned out as they are , you 've got to go back to the beginning . ’
15 If you do n't do it , it 'll be two possibly threeish because you 're not too sure , you 've got to go back to the second appointment and he might do it but then again he may not .
16 So after you 've finished training , you 're going down to the library , yes , to look up the names of the people luve in Street , and once you 've been on that appointment you 've got to go back to the branch and you 're gon na do your mail shots whatever you 're gon na do , put it in there .
17 Erm yes I , I 've got to go back with the money
18 We 've got to rush back to the studio in Abingdon now .
19 We 're lost and we 've got to get back to the station . ’
20 He said : ‘ We 've got to get back to the days when Elland Road was an intimidating place for teams to visit .
21 We 've got to get back to the stall .
22 " I 've got to get back to the classroom . "
23 ‘ If Maudie 's going out , I suppose that means I 've got to get back behind the counter .
24 ‘ Look , you 've got to get back inside the system somehow . ’
25 ‘ You 've got to come back to the hospital .
26 Lachlan Watt had been about to leave Hamish and Antonia 's party when Fergus had fallen over and Fiona had decided it was time to take her husband home ; she had offered Lachy a lift back to his brother 's house , but when they 'd got there Fergus had seemed fast asleep , snoring loudly and taking no apparent notice of Fiona shaking him and shouting at him ; Lachy had volunteered to come back to the castle to help get Fergus out of the car and upstairs to bed ; Fiona would run Lachy back afterwards .
27 The maid would have to be dismissed of course … the girl had brazenly admitted allowing Patrick back into the house , and Katherine was n't sure which annoyed her more — the fact that the boy had managed to creep back into the house or the fact that he had been alone in the girl 's bedroom .
28 Surely Baldwin , whatever his desire earlier in the imbroglio , can not at this stage have wished to go back to the Cabinet on the following morning and announce that a wayward King , who had already compromised his position with most opinion both at home and in the Dominions , had suddenly changed his mind , at least temporarily , and , having attracted the maximum publicity to his preference for Mrs Simpson over the Throne , was now prepared to ditch her and try to pick up again the pieces of kingship .
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