Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [pron] that the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But , says Hall modestly and realistically , ‘ Drilling has taught us that the first models we worked with were only the simplest of a large number of possibilities that were consistent with the observations .
2 Dominican thinker Matthew Fox informs us that a friend of his has told him that the right side of the brain is all about awe .
3 Market research has told us that the average Punch reader is an ABC1 25–40-year-old male with a suspiciously large collection of unopened bottles of soda water .
4 ‘ My wife has informed me that the two boys who attacked you stole your handbag . ’
5 It is surprising that New Scientist should have convinced itself that the nuclear weapons policy of the SDP is ‘ indistinguishable ’ from that of the government .
6 Sober reflection would have shown him that the sensible procedure would have been to phone the police and get them to ask the Bomb Disposal Squad to come and check the bag out .
7 Goodnight says Steve Jobs had promised him that the NeXT boxes would sell in serious numbers , but now admits that that particular offering ‘ is n't making us any money . ’
8 People who had persuaded him that the only safe time to take out the dog was after the hours of darkness , when you were only likely to meet George ‘ Let's Get Rabbits ’ Grover .
9 He told us that he expected to be posted to the front at some time in the next few weeks but he would still be home by Christmas ; an officer had told him that the bloody Huns would have been sent packing long before then .
10 And one of the oil men to whom he had been talking at that seminar in Florence had told him that the Chinese enterprise zone ( Shenzhen ) , just over the border from Hong Kong , was still working .
11 If he had told me that the first half was going to be crap , I would n't have bothered to watch it in the first place .
12 Mother Francis had told her that the bold Eve had n't written or telephoned , and that all the Sisters were dying to hear from her .
13 Nkomo had convinced him that the black and white people in South Africa are inter-dependent , that bitterness clouds honest thought , and that what is needed is a God-led , non-racial ideology .
14 She had convinced herself that the intense impact which Vitor d'Arcos had once had on her had been a much exaggerated memory , the figment of an overheated imagination .
15 Alastair Croall , Earlston club secretary , said last night the SRU had informed them that the only appeal was to the union 's annual general meeting in June .
16 Alastair Croall , Earlston club secretary , said last night the SRU had informed them that the only appeal was to the union 's annual general meeting in June .
17 After all it had been Bliss who had warned him that Nadirpur was embroiled with the Pessarane Behesht , Bliss who had informed him that the real cargo was arms .
18 I believe this situation is self-explanatory , so I wo n't bother you with details ; suffice it to say that the best engineers in Germany have convinced me that the weakest point in this chain is your body .
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