Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [pron] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 Their views are readily recognizable in a world where the fuss about the Turin Shroud has reminded us of a time when high hopes and claims of miracle were commonly attached to pieces of the true cross or heads of John the Baptist , where much Christian literature promises believers great success in life if only they have enough faith in God , and where men and women of political power still try to have God and his Church on their side , and to use their authority to enhance their own .
2 He had pressed her to marry him , though he was considerably older than she was , and she had accepted him at a time of great emotional exhaustion .
3 But I had bought mine at a time when I 'd luckily accumulated some nice big fees , and she is just what I need , in every way .
4 Now tell me what what you 've got one at a time , starting at this end .
5 He then provided : ‘ I wish whatever legacies I have left to be paid by you , my dear son , and if any debt shall emerge , if I had borrowed anything for a time and shall owe it , I wish it to be paid by you , so that what I have left your sister may pass to her undiminished . ’
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