Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] that [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And now , very recently indeed , confirmation has come from that remarkable treasury of early fossils , the Burgess Shalesin the Canadian Rockies .
2 I am afraid that the present Leader of the House has added to that ignoble record .
3 You can find yourself facing a much larger debt if the pound has weakened against that foreign currency in the interim .
4 So what has become of that other bulwark of partition , the unattractiveness of the republic to its Protestant neighbours ?
5 For his first work on a standard-gauge railway Boyd has remained in that favoured territory , North Wales , and almost fittingly he has chosen one of the Principality 's less well known routes .
6 Instead , these phenomena and others result from changes in the international economic system as a whole and the manner in which the UK has interacted with that global system .
7 He 'd looked around that shabby dwelling and smelled the poverty which he had vowed to help alleviate in his dedicated youth , and to his shame he had thought only of escaping from the fleas he might have picked up from that terrible straw mattress .
8 I thought you 'd sat with that two Con ?
9 By the time the General Election arrived eighteen months later , there was a good candidate ( Malcolm Thornton , now MP ) , a renewed constituency organisation and time for the people of Crosby to realise that they 'd done in that panicky moment when they were looking for a familiar face as their Member of Parliament .
10 Everything seemed to remind her of him : the jade T-shirt which she 'd worn on that happy day they 'd spent on the beach ; a phrase of music on the radio which they 'd listened to together ; and even baking a chocolate cake for the children had almost broken her up when she 'd remembered how much he 'd enjoyed the one she had made in New York .
11 And now that he 'd escaped from that awful prison , come he would , she knew that as certainly as she knew daylight would follow darkness .
12 We 'd gone round that back door .
13 I 'd stood near that very spot with a chum and rejoiced at Wilson 's victory .
14 At least , I thought , their eyes would have looked on that same pond , the pond which now my own eyes saw .
15 The programme ended with a complete performance of the ballet as the historians think it must have looked on that epochal occasion .
16 We did not believe that the issue should have come within that particular article .
17 Having decided on that general application , then it 's a question of shopping around amongst all the different computers that are on the market , and there are hundreds , to find the ones where the ready-made programs most nearly match the needs of that particular business .
18 There had been rather a mystery as to why he should have died at that particular time .
19 Having got over that little unpleasantness , I thought your efforts quite spirited , and a delight to read .
20 He said , ‘ Shall I get a bottle of wine ? ’ and Val said , disagreeably and truthfully , ‘ You should have thought of that some time back ; it 'll all go cold . ’
21 So , if you have done something in the past which you now regret and would do differently were the situation to repeat itself , you should be pleased that you have learned something vital and that your spirit , having dealt with that negative aspect , will not have to encounter it again .
22 The latter may have shared in that general relaxation of social attitudes to nonstandard varieties that had also occurred , for example , in public institutions such as the BBC .
23 On the other hand , Fokine insisted that most of Petrushka was danced mime , explaining that the dances performed in the fairground were the only real ones : ‘ These were not my own work as such crowds would have danced like that any way .
24 That her husband should have battled with that terrible illness for so long , and then after all of that should have died .
25 The good points , the points you disagree with completely , but most importantly of , of all , would you have been able to have worked from that particular quality plan as presented to you ?
26 Wishart thought back to what he had heard about that fateful night at the banquet .
27 No doubt that was due to the ticking off she had received from that strict harridan of a teacher at the small private school in Kensington .
28 From what you 've taught in that third lesson
29 He had sat in that locked room talking , therapist and patient both , had talked it over and over .
30 There were several little alleyways that he might have used and they had a man watching each one ; but then in the end he approached from the other side , not through the bazaar at all but along through the streets , the way they themselves had come on that previous visit .
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