Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The customer 's duty to take care of the goods ceases 21 days after he cancelled the agreement , unless before then he has received from the trader a written signed request to hand them over .
2 Misplaced concern for national prestige has sustained in the air a costly mercantilism abandoned long ago for most earth-bound industries .
3 To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what asssessment he has made of the contribution the road-building programme can make to reducing road casualties .
4 It has an appalling unemployment record , just as it has had since the war an appalling national health service waiting list record .
5 In research completed this year , one of us ( Randles ) has shown that the ‘ mystery helicopter ’ is a typical UAP and has verified in the field a substantial number of Persinger 's postulates .
6 Her acceptance of this role has not only given enormous pleasure to the membership but it has conferred upon the Association a status in society and an endorsement which only the seal of Royal Patronage can do .
7 Interest in money supply control on the part of governments has brought to the fore the notion that ‘ rational ’ expectations on part of the private economy may limit the efficacy of policy and in some cases thwart it .
8 This guidance note has brought into the open a range of contentious issues that have been debated in correspondence and at meetings between the Faculty and the Department of Social Security 's Policy Division over the last 12 months .
9 We all share the view that local authority services should be provided by highly motivated , highly trained professional staff but local authorities have had their budgets cut from central government over the last thirteen years which has restricted the amount of finance available for training and has cut to the bone the finance available to provide efficient and effective services to the consumer .
10 In many ways , Iraq has emerged from the war a calmer place .
11 After an insect has emerged from the egg the completed head shows few indications of a segmented origin apart from the fact that it carries paired appendages .
12 a creditor for more than £750 has served on the company a demand for the sum due , and the company has for three weeks failed to pay the debt ;
13 A debtor appears unable to pay a debt if the debt is payable immediately and either : ( i ) the petitioning creditor has served on the debtor a statutory demand in the prescribed form requiring him to pay the debt or to secure or compound for it to the satisfaction of the creditor , at least three weeks have elapsed since the demand was served and the demand has been neither complied with nor set aside ( s 268(1) ( a ) ) ; or ( ii ) execution or other enforcement action on a judgment has been returned unsatisfied in whole or in part ( s 268(1) ( b ) ) .
14 A debtor has no reasonable prospect of being able to pay a debt if the debt is not immediately payable and : ( i ) the petitioning creditor has served on the debtor a statutory demand in the prescribed form requiring him to establish to the satisfaction of the creditor that there is a reasonable prospect that the debtor will be able to pay the debt when it falls due , ( ii ) at least three weeks have elapsed since the demand was served , and ( iii ) the demand has neither been complied with nor set aside ( s268(2) ) .
15 Scotland , too , although the state of their sea defences will depend on the course the opening phase has taken by the time the countries meet on June 20 .
16 As has happened in the past the information elements selected for preservation will be influenced by the needs of data owners .
17 He has put before the House an illustration of how the Labour party wants to increase the cost of national insurance .
18 The Directors shall not enter in the Company 's register of members any person until that person and any person for whom he holds a Share as nominee has submitted to the Council a Compensation Fund covenant as required by the Rules and furnished evidence of such submission to the Directors .
19 The Directors shall not enter in the Company 's register of members any person until that person and any person for whom he holds a Share as nominee has submitted to the Council a Compensation Fund covenant as required by the Rules and furnished evidence of such submission to the Directors .
20 Once risk has passed to the buyer the contract can not be avoided by section 7 .
21 The time for Eliot is just after the passing of ‘ the dark dove with the flickering tongue ’ , a German plane which has left behind a city every bit as much of a waste land as the earlier poem 's London , though now the ‘ crowd ’ has gone , leaving only the speaker who , ‘ before the urban dawn wind ’ , communicates with the ghost .
22 The same process of foundering has created along the shore a number of deep-water natural harbours by the inundation of the lower courses of streams .
23 Since August 12th Mr Hussein has repeated like a gramophone the refrain that he will not budge from Kuwait until Israel gives up the West Bank and Gaza .
24 However , the question in the way it is posed by educators usually calls for an answer in terms of commitment rather than of attitude in school or in society and the implementation has begun by the time the thought of research arises .
25 It is important to note that the preferential creditors are given priority where a receiver is appointed with respect to a charge ‘ which , as created , was a floating charge ’ ; thus the fact that the charge has crystallised at the time a receiver is appointed does not result in preferential debts being denied their statutory priority .
26 I the work I 'd done in the past the training I 've had the experience I 've had with Hector and his work that was all leading up to that .
27 ANGLER Arthur Davis cast his line off Dover pier in Kent — and hooked the wig he 'd lost in the sea a week earlier .
28 She 'd hopped into the living-room a few minutes after Sergeant Joe had gone out to have a few words with Archie Cousins .
29 She had always resented Luke , and feared the way he made her feel — because she must have sensed from the beginning the power he could and did have over her ; because he had deprived her of himself when he had had her dismissed from that very first job back in South Africa ; because something had led him to misjudge and despise her , and he was unable to see the truth ; because she had always known that he could break her heart …
30 Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God , and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit , he has poured out what you now see and hear ’ ( Acts 2:32ff ) .
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