Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] [noun] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what representations he has received from industrialists on Government intervention in the strategic direction and investment in companies .
2 As university funding has come to hinge on publication , this has been encouraged for its own sake .
3 Mr Harvey McGregor has said in McGregor on Damages , ( 15th ed Sweet & Maxwell 1988 , para 1588 ) : It may be argued that the benefit of a mother 's personal attention to a child 's upbringing , morals , education and psychology , which the services of a housekeeper , nurse or governess could never provide has , in the long run , a financial value for the child difficult as it is to assess .
4 The former leader of the Liberal Party , Lord Grimond , has died in hospital on Orkney at the age of eighty .
5 While his former Ibrox team-mates bask in the glory of European Cup conflict , Johnston has slipped into obscurity on Merseyside after starting only four games this season .
6 Their fascination with dinosaurs has led to discussions on conservation and ecology , writing their own stories and practise in drawing from observation .
7 Having won in Bratislava on Monday with an impressive 17.18 metres , the Commonwealth silver medallist is laying strong foundations for a serious medal bid in Spain .
8 At one time she 'd have sworn with hand on heart that Dane had absolutely no effect on her knees whatsoever .
9 Along with many a public body that felt pushed around by the Tories , the BBC must have gone to bed on April 8 with dreams of a quieter life on the night ; already swinging , as it were , in the hammock slung for them by a hung parliament .
10 In the early days of her royal career Diana would have burst into tears on receipt of such a tart missive and shrunk back into her shell .
11 The UK had rejected proposals for subsequent stages culminating in a single EC currency and a joint central bank , Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher having stated in interview on June 18 that the decision on a single currency was " not for our generation to take " .
12 The decision to proceed was taken by the Slovak authorities immediately after the breakdown of EC-sponsored talks ( earlier bilateral talks having ended without agreement on Oct. 13 ) .
13 The newspaper La Prensa , which had been closed down in February 1988 [ see p. 35818 ] , reopened on Jan. 7 , 1990 , its editor , Roberto Eisenmann , having returned from exile on Jan. 5 .
14 Charles is reported to have spoken with Camilla on December 15 , 1989 , while staying in Cheshire with Lord Cholmondeley , at Cholmondeley Castle .
15 This was the final stage of a two-year investigation into the actions of five senators , all but one of them Democrats , who had intervened with regulators on Keating 's behalf at a time when he contributed some $1,300,000 to their campaigns and political causes .
16 In the course of time the pirates turned merchants became a great hereditary patriciate , and Venice came to rule a mercantile empire much akin to that of ancient Athens , even in the end to acquire a large contado along and behind the Italian coast — but only after it had depended for centuries on piracy and trade for its food and livelihood .
17 With ANC president Oliver Tambo undergoing prolonged medical treatment ( in connection with which he had travelled to Sweden on Jan. 3 ) , the senior Lusaka-based ANC leaders were general secretary Alfred Nzo , as acting president , and Chris Hani , the chief of general staff of the ANC military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe .
18 The UN Secretary-General 's newly appointed special representative in Somalia , Ismat Kittani of Iraq , arrived in Mogadishu on Nov 8 , replacing Mohamed Sahnoun who had resigned amid controversy on Oct. 27 [ see p 39133 ] .
19 I was very proud of the reputation I had earned for exactness on timing .
20 Also in accordance with the agreement , the government gazette announced that a multiparty system had come into effect on May 11 .
21 The civil war in Yugoslavia continued throughout December , as the ceasefire brokered by the UN , which had come into force on Nov. 23 , broke down .
22 The Independent of Aug. 28 said that members of the ISI and of the United States Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) and the head of Saudi Arabia 's military intelligence , Prince Turki al-Saud , had met in Islamabad on Aug. 26 to discuss a common strategy in preparation for the talks .
23 Members of 18 opposition groups from Europe and the Middle East had met in Washington on Aug. 1-3 and discussed " plans to depose [ President ] Saddam [ Hussein ] " .
24 A delegation of 38 Saharan tribal elders ( 19 from Layoun under Moroccan control and 19 from Tindouf under Polisario control ) had met in Geneva on June 4 and had broadly agreed that 74,000 people listed on the census rolls drawn up by Spain for the referendum of 1974 would be eligible to vote .
25 No matter what he and Bernice had been through , she knew in her heart of hearts that his guilt over what he had done to Ace on Heaven — and before — was a weakness : a button which would always work to throw him off balance when pressed .
26 Ashrawi had said on Jordan on Nov. 9 that she and her fellow delegates had been given diplomatic protection by the USA and the Soviet Union .
27 Officials at the presidency were quoted by Agence France-Presse as criticising as " too anti-Turkish " a speech which Hovhannesyan had made in Istanbul on Sept. 21 ; Armenia had earlier been reported as requesting 100,000 tonnes of grain from Turkey [ see p. 39109 ] .
28 In August 1920 , the cost of a house which stood at £250 in 1914 , had risen to £930 on average .
29 Foreign Ministers had approved in Luxembourg on Oct. 5 , by a majority verdict , a directive setting minimum ethical standards for television broadcasting in the single market .
30 Chapman had died of cancer on Wednesday on the eve of the twentieth anniversary celebration of the first Monty Python show .
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