Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [verb] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 We would only need to witness a marked increase in trade and there will certainly be an increase in demand why do you think trade has increased ? and trade is n't a necessary condition it 's just that trade has tended to grow at the same time as erm as demand is growing .
2 The former take little account of the latter although much of the HMI 's thinking has become known over the same period i.e. the late 1970s and early 1980s .
3 It was , you opened it and come out and shut , shut the door and you 'd lose the penny then they 'd got to go through the same operation with another penny , you know what I mean .
4 By now two people would have started talking at the same moment .
5 Nature conservationists and farmers ( who both understand what does happen to abandoned land ) should know better , but in the past few years , seem to have become possessed by the same fear of some dark , prolific genie escaping from the bottle .
6 It 's not yet old enough to have become corrupted in the same way as the nuclear industry , that Fifties wunderkind gone bad .
7 These I do not repeat here , but my version of Boulestin 's sweet tomato conserve , which I had intended to include in the same book and which is indeed indexed as appearing in it , somehow got away .
8 John and Angela had travelled out by the Sally Line from Ramsgate to Dunkirk and had intended to return by the same route .
9 Perhaps the second fragment had become detached at the same time and simply fallen to the ground where she had picked it up .
10 Tamas had attempted to stand in the same constituency in the 1985 general election , but had been thwarted by what he had alleged to be communist manipulation of the candidate selection process [ see p. 33812-13 ] .
11 In the first instance decision of Harvey [ 1988 ] Crim.L.R. 241 , a confession of murder made by a psychopathically disordered woman was , it is submitted , rightly excluded when it became apparent that she might have been motivated by a childlike desire to protect her lover , whom she had over-heard confessing to the same offence .
12 Assuming the car had gone missing at the same ti me as Angela Morgan , it might have been there for over a week ; it had only been found that evening by a uniformed constable who was keeping his eyes open .
13 Of the companies surveyed , 49 per cent stated that their turnover had decreased compared with the same period in 1990 .
14 If Japan 's lending had continued to expand at the same pace as in recent years it would have overtaken Britain in 1992 .
15 Owen 's mind had begun to work on the same lines .
16 This year we have decided to dovetail into the same period as the York Festival and Mystery Plays to offer you an opportunity to experience the remarkable cycle of York plays alongside the Early Music Festival .
17 You can be truly successful this year , especially if you have learned to diversify at the same time as pursuing the well-beaten track to your objectives .
18 Politics and knowledge have worked according to the same Hegelian dialectic , with its ‘ phallo-logocentric Aufhebung ’ — whether it be Marxism 's History , Europe 's colonial annexations and accompanying racism or orientalist scholarship , or , in a typical conflation of patriarchy and colonialism , Freud 's characterization of femininity as the dark unexplored continent ( ’ within his economy , she is the strangeness he likes to appropriate' [ 68 ] ) .
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