Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In my 35 years of dealing this is the greatest sculpture that has ever come on to the market , ’ he said .
2 TAFF Gregory , the Army cook who won a Gulf War BEM ( Eating Out August 14 ) , has quickly marched on from the Hartforth Hall Hotel at Gilling West , near Richmond .
3 However , as we have seen , central government , who through the SEC has boldly pressed on with the introduction of the GCSE , has even in doing so been subject to its own and its advisers ' demands that Standards should be preserved .
4 Keeping goats has really caught on in the past 10 years , as farmers look to alternative livestock to stay in business .
5 These people have fears which the media has shamelesslessly played on over the years , but which are genuine .
6 It has yet to catch on in the Third World but when it does it could prove extremely useful .
7 Two of those references are to research by Professor Harry Smith and his colleagues in Birmingham — work which has certainly moved on during the intervening decades .
8 Prothero the demon-king has never bounded on to the stage more sulphurously than in Hugh Kenner 's The Pound Era :
9 So I think for this run I 'd better press on with the book . ’
10 ‘ We 'd better go on to the farm and buy … ’
11 ‘ Then you 'd better get on with the job quickly . ’
12 Joan I think I 'd better box on with the webbing here love , I have n't got enough
13 I 'll bo I 'd better box on with the webbing on the back .
14 They had been on stand-by since 10.00 a.m. and it was now after one o'clock , but they were as crisp and well-tailored as if they 'd just stepped on to the plane .
15 The man who 'd just strolled on to the terrace was tall , very lean , very dark .
16 But when I got there , he 'd already moved on to the Middle East .
17 I should have then gone on to the next cleanest one and finished off with the cleanest one .
18 He could see in a three hundred and sixty degree sphere via the pod sensor modules , just as he could feel the ambient temperature , and even smell the lubricant that someone had carelessly leaked on to the floor .
19 At the same time the press had been tipped off that the Health Minister was leaving the country on holiday from Heathrow and half a dozen photographers had literally chased on to the runway to photograph him .
20 Yet the substance had only gone on to the Jockey Club 's list of prohibited substances a mere ten months before Aliysa failed her dope test .
21 With only three minutes remaining in their Sharwood 's Irish Senior Cup semi-final clash against Pegasus , Sinead , who had only come on at the start of the second-half , popped up to score the only goal of the game .
22 Mrs. Mott had better get on with the job of cancelling them .
23 However , the Cuban leader had eagerly latched on to the dramatic statements made by Khrushchev in June-July 1960 .
24 It had been he himself , Lewis , who had finally got on to the man there who was in the process of completing the proofs for the forthcoming seminal opus entitled Pre-Conquest Craftsmanship in Southern Britain , by Theodore S. Kemp , MA , DPhil ; the man who had been closeted with Kemp that fateful morning , and who had confirmed that Kemp had not left the offices until about 12.30 p.m .
25 Bonard had just emerged on to the terrace .
26 While physicians advised sparing use of the ointment , the quacks prescribed it liberally to great effect and had usually passed on to the next town before the inevitable relapses and the not infrequent deaths — results of over-treatment — had occurred .
27 But Dr Dunstaple had now moved on to the treatment .
28 He had indeed caught on from the bad vibes the driver had been giving out — the nervousness , the pale sweat-beaded face , the rapid eye movement towards the back seat — that something was bothering the guy .
29 The horse had barely stepped on to the gravelly riverbed at the edge of the ford when it stumbled , almost falling to its knees .
30 We took off on time , but we had unknowingly booked on to the milk run .
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