Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She has since packed it for other tours .
2 Quite how the party which has successfully brought us to economic misery and industrial impotence can make such a claim seems to suggest some very muddled thinking .
3 The government of the GDR has expressly associated itself with this statement …
4 A second , related problem is that business ethics has mostly concerned itself with grand theorising , trying to answer questions such as ‘ Is capitalism ethically justifiable ? ’ and ‘ Can a profitable business ever be ethical ? ’ .
5 The need for improved facilities for Arts and Social Studies , as an aid to the recruitment and retention of academic staff and to assist in the improvement of research activity , has caused the University to launch a review or three sites ( namely the area around the St Cross Building , the central site surrounding the Bodleian Library , and the Taylorian/Ashmolean site ) to see what scope there is for the rationalisation of existing uses and what changes can be made to make better use of them , with a view to defining a comprehensive and coherent scheme for the development of each site which has most to commend it on academic grounds .
6 Your family has obviously sustained you through many crises .
7 Randy , as you can see , has finally made it into this issue .
8 Bill 's story has finally convinced me of one thing — the nature of Mandy Smith 's ‘ mystery illness ’ .
9 ‘ To be fair , it 's a hell of an act to follow when you consider Gordon has already led us to two championships in the space of three seasons .
10 The programmatic development of the Copernican theory over more than a century has already provided us with one example .
11 Secretary reports that he has already put it to good use .
12 That to be honest is , is somebody who 's like , been doing this for ten years and has already got themselves like half a million pounds of worth of equity .
13 ‘ No one has ever done anything like that for me . ’
14 I think he has still got them to this day , ’ says his father .
15 Kite had to win in New Orleans to be invited but could only manage joint 12th with Severiano Ballesteros , whose last round of 69 has also put him in good heart .
16 Thrift has nearly killed her on several occasions , through the agency of old sausages , slow-punctured tyres , rusty blades .
17 The originality of a critical mind , expressing itself in creative and sometimes idiosyncratic science , has often manifested itself in theological deviation .
18 The scrum has also looked solid enough to date , although no side has really put it under any pressure yet .
19 This versatile gas powered styler heats up in minutes and because The Civil Aviation Authority has O.K. 'd it in checked-in luggage on aeroplanes , you really can style your hair anywhere you like !
20 The Board originally offered three years , and has now increased it to five .
21 Modernity understood as the modern world in crisis has now hit us with such force that writers of many different political persuasions are addressing the issue ( cf.
22 Long before we arrived , Herr Wendling had made a great reputation for him and has now introduced him to all his friends .
23 I placed Geoffrey Wilkinson , a Principal Inspector of Accidents ( who has now succeeded me as Chief Inspector and head of AIB ) , in charge of the investigation .
24 Like so many Swiss towns which arc left with a legacy of the past , so that many of its buildings arc protected by law , Schaffhausen has quietly converted them to modern use while preserving the exterior .
25 Zarathustra has certainly dosed himself on some of his own miracle rejuvenators . ’
26 Bremner has never done anything by half .
27 Training alone has never bothered me at all , but it 's nice to be able to go down the pub for a good chinwag after a session . ’
28 Indeed , having been brought up after the war and having heard of the plight of those poor people , one has never forgotten it in any case .
29 If we want to keep the best scientists and the best engineers in this country , we 'd better do two things : we 'd better attract them with good pay and we 'd better train them right and give them the proper facilities .
30 Looking down at the pathetic little body lying so still on the table , she said , ‘ I 'd better leave him like this for Dawn to see .
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