Example sentences of "have [art] [noun sg] [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Care can , for example , be timed so that a particular nurse has the chance to develop the skills she lacks .
2 C C T has the potential to rip the guts out of the movement due to the density of public sector trade unionist membership .
3 The sender has the right to stop the goods in transit or change the place of delivery .
4 A lien holder merely has the right to detain the goods subject to the lien until the debt has been paid .
5 The Declaration committed parties to " work towards building a new Arab order to bolster joint Arab action " and viewed " the support by Egyptian and Syrian forces … during the Gulf crisis " as a model example , adding that " any GCC country has the right to employ the services of Egyptian and Syrian forces on its territories if it so wishes " .
6 An estoppel is raised when the original owner by his statements or conduct leads the innocent purchaser to believe that the unauthorised seller in fact has the right to sell the goods .
7 One problem with the first requirement is what conduct by the original owner will amount to a representation that the seller has the right to sell the goods .
8 This Act is very important in the commercial world ; in addition to being a very comprehensive regulator of contracts of sale it implies important terms into contracts such as requirements that the goods must match their description , be of merchantable quality , be fit for their purpose and that the seller has the right to sell the goods .
9 Generally , senators assume that the President has the right to make the nominations and they will block them only if they feel that the nominees are particularly weak and the President needs teaching a lesson .
10 This is very similar to a conditional sale agreement , the essential difference being that the hirer has the option to purchase the goods and is not obliged to do so , However , having paid all the instalments on the Volvo truck , it is hardly likely that the haulage company would decide not to exercise this option .
11 The Committee has the power to employ the services of such advisers and to take such soundings within and outside the Company as it deems necessary to fulfil its responsibilities .
12 It was nationalised in 1946 , and has the power to direct the actions of other banks .
13 ‘ The collector has the power to keep the goods under customs control until the importer either pays the duty or takes the advantage of the section .
14 The Police Complaints Authority will receive a report of the investigation and the subsequent action taken and has the power to require the papers to be sent to the D.P.P. , to recommend that disciplinary charges be brought and as a last resort order these charges to be brought .
15 In the event that there are circumstances that members or creditors of the company should know about , the auditor has the power to require the directors to call an extraordinary general meeting to discuss the resignation circumstances .
16 The company , which has no plan to put the Windows API into the public domain , characterises the PWI initiative as ‘ farcical . ’
17 The company , which has no plan to put the Windows Application Programming Interface into the public domain , characterises the Public Windows Interface initiative as ‘ farcical ’ .
18 ‘ The DHSS has no right to treat the residents of Belfast as second-class .
19 Thus lie has no right to re-sell the goods other than that allowed him by later subsections of section 48 .
20 Unless the seller commits a breach of condition or commits a breach of warranty which is so serious as to deprive the buyer of substantially the whole benefit of the contract , the buyer has no right to reject the goods or recover the price ( see paragraph 7–04 above ) .
21 The Secretary of State has no authority to alter the contents of the report , and it is interesting that no Secretary of State has ever rejected one .
22 Second , he has a chance to assess the realities on the ground : East Germany 's internal political balance , and the prospects for the Honecker succession .
23 He has a man to do the finances , but he drives the tractors and so on .
24 Locke notes that ‘ manna , by the bulk , figure , texture and motion of its parts , has a power to produce the sensations of sickness , and sometimes of acute pains or gripings in us ’ .
25 In a contract of sale , other than one to which subsection ( 3 ) below applies , there is an implied condition on the part of the seller that in the case of a sale he has a right to sell the goods , and in the case of an agreement to sell he will have such a right at the time when the property is to pass .
26 Most important is the implied condition that the seller has a right to sell the goods .
27 This phenomenon can also be seen in trading stamp transactions so that s4(1) of the Trading Stamps Act 1964 ( substituted by s16(1) of SOGIT 1973 ) provides : In every redemption of trading stamps for goods , notwithstanding any term to the contrary on which the redemption is made , there is — ( a ) an implied warranty on the part of the promoter of the trading scheme that he has a right to give the goods in exchange ; ( b ) an implied warranty that the goods are free from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the person obtaining the goods before , or at the time of redemption and that that person will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or known ; ( c ) an implied warranty that the goods are of merchantable quality , except that there is no such warranty ( i ) as regards defects specifically drawn to the attention of the person obtaining the goods before or at the time of redemption ; or ( ii ) if that person examines the goods before or at the time of redemption , as regards defects which that examination ought to reveal .
28 The third main proposal is that a buyer who has a right to reject the goods should not be faced with an all-or-nothing rule .
29 Founded by a breakaway group of journalists from Sounds , it has gone on to outsell its progenitor and , though primarily star-oriented , considers it has a duty to reflect the grass-roots scene as well .
30 We have n't had the opportunity to decide the recommendations there .
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