Example sentences of "have [art] [noun] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Federal Judge , Harold Green , ordered the immediate release of the transcript , saying the public has a right to know what the former president said .
2 But then she remembered Tony , and how grateful she would have been to anyone who had had the courage to give her a hint of his real nature …
3 B : Well , the milkman has come All that we can reasonably expect a semantic theory to tell us about this minimal exchange is that there is at least one reading that we might paraphrase as follows : ( 2 ) A : Do you have the ability to tell me the time ?
4 B : [ pragmatically interpreted particle ] the milkman came at some time prior to the time of speaking Yet it is clear to native speakers that what would ordinarily be communicated by such an exchange involves considerably more , along the lines of the italicized material in ( 3 ) : ( 3 ) A : Do you have the ability to tell me the time of the present moment , as standardly indicated on a watch , and if so please do so tell me B : No I do n't know the exact time of the present moment , but I can provide some information from which you may be able to deduce the approximate time , namely the milkman has come ( see R. Lakoff , 1973a ; Smith & Wilson , 1979 : 172ff for a discussion of such examples ) .
5 Mother Francis would n't have the money to buy me a new frock . ’
6 Many companies currently in existence have ‘ objects clauses ’ in their memoranda of association which run to several pages in an attempt to ensure that the company will have the power to do anything the directors feel it needs to do .
7 Burnett 's favourite preparation for the treatment of uterine tumours was Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum so not having the LMI gave her the 6C potency in a 10ml dropper and within 3 days she was relieved of the discomfort on walking and standing which it seems reasonable to assume is due to the fibroid shrinking .
8 He laughed , ‘ I 'll have no trouble finding you a good husband . ’
9 They had gone ahead of their Australian guide and he did not have a chance to warn them the creature — usually docile — lived there .
10 Having a spill gives them a thrill , and it 's something for them to talk about afterwards . ’
11 Now , having no doubt asked themselves the question , ‘ How can we make a Japanese ‘ 62 re-issue Strat even more appealing ? ’
12 ‘ My husband is n't well , ’ I said , having no mind to hand him the truth at that moment .
13 Did you ever have an opportunity to see what the tramps actually carried with them ?
14 And if somehow or other the , the , the whole of that er , erm , number nine , including the can be deferred , and I believe it should be , then that is what I would wish to happen , I would wish Mr to continue to have the freedom to see what the options are for this county council .
15 Promising to pay more when he received cheques from his insurance company , he added : ‘ It might be sensible for us to have a meeting to give you an opportunity to justify and explain , item by item , the reason for the variation between the price agreed in April 1990 and the final bill . ’
16 Had the BBC realised what a gem it was holding , the deciding match of the tournament ( as all others ) could have been turned into real money spinners ; but , no , it was a lost opportunity .
17 The Chancellor of the Exchequer , Kenneth Clarke tells the programme how she once asked : ‘ Why do I have to do everything in this Government ? ’ and no-one had the nerve to give her the obvious answer — she did n't have to do everything .
18 As for Brian Redhead , a BBC radio presenter who had the temerity to call him a conspiracy , ‘ His failure to apologise meant that he never got another interview with Mrs Thatcher as prime minister . ’
19 ‘ You went off before I had a chance to thank you the other day … ’
20 She rushed up the stairs to the top of the house where she knew her brother 's room was before Nick had a chance to show her the way .
21 She thought the remark was odd but before she had a chance to query it the attendant 's phone rang and as he disappeared Rachel went on to the changing-rooms .
22 He had no time to see who the man was .
23 They are powerless to do it themselves , and the media have the ability to do what an individual can not do .
24 It will take a great deal of money to do it properly and I 'm only interested in doing it if I have the support to give me a chance of winning .
25 In a Christian country , this book would be banned altogether instead of which so-called poverty-stricken Merseysiders have the wherewithal to make it a sell-out .
26 Financially , I have the wherewithall to give her a very good life .
27 I 'd take a stool , stack up coins as high as they 'd go , and have the barman bring me a two-bit shot every couple of minutes , removing the price himself , until the tower was gone .
28 But Jess was not to hear the rumours or have a chance to ask what a syndicate was , because Sally and Salt came back , and seconds later a rather rosy Mrs Stocks reappeared clutching two bottles of brandy .
29 Firms have a right to charge what the market will bear — as long as it is a competitive market .
30 If you have a view gives us a ring .
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