Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Joanne has since given birth to Feathers ' daughter .
2 Physically he is unusually sturdy and has not fallen prey to illness during his long confinement .
3 This embraces all overseas companies , but in practice this has not given rise to difficulties .
4 The Science Reference and Information Service of the British Library has just published Guide to Libraries in Central and Eastern Europe ( ISBN 0 7123 0795 8 ) , compiled by the information specialist Maria Hughes , from data not widely available .
5 As well as acting as a surrogate mum to the hedgehogs , Christine has also given physiotherapy to tortoises and given the kiss of life to a pet rabbit , which everyone thought had gone to the great hutch in the sky .
6 Housing policy in this country has traditionally given priority to children 's needs and we would find it very worrying if that priority were eroded in any way by the introductions of policies aiming to discriminate against children in one setting i.e. children of lone parent families .
7 The Imperial Russian tradition of grand display pieces has painlessly given birth to Grigorovich 's epics — grand , without doubt , but lumpen compared with Balanchine 's irreverent classicism or MacMillan 's exploratory dance-dramas .
8 Talks are still going on with Witches skipper Chris Louis , who has yet to put pen to paper .
9 Olaf Pedersen has recently drawn attention to St Paul 's complete indifference to time and chronology : he never even dated his letters .
10 We 'd better say goodbye to Shrub .
11 We may not have always seen eye to eye in the past but I have great respect for him nevertheless . ’
12 Grenada had withdrawn in 1981 from membership of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court ( ECSC ) , which automatically granted such a right of appeal , and the government was thought to have deliberately delayed re-entry to ECSC membership , originally scheduled for Aug. 1 , to obstruct this process .
13 Scattered around the London suburbs , or in provincial towns like Sheffield , Brighton and Bradford , these pioneers had only limited access to capital resources , and their companies never grew to any real size .
14 The loss of the two ports was serious , as the English now had only limited access to Normandy and to the capital , Rouen , which had come to replace Paris .
15 He spent November at Roxburgh , where he issued letters patent in which he recognized Edward III as lord superior of Scotland and declared that he had already done homage to Edward , in return for which Edward had agreed to maintain and protect him and his heirs in the kingdom .
16 In 1516 he was associated with Vertue in designing new works at Eton College , the west range and Lupton 's tower , but early in 1515 he had already become architect to Cardinal Thomas Wolsey [ q.v. ]
17 Bills had not been paid , despite the fact that the club had already given money to Brent Walker to pay them .
18 I would have suspected nothing if the counterfeit Taplow had not made reference to Purgatory .
19 The report deeply angered Price Waterhouse because it had not given evidence to Senator Kerry 's subcommittee .
20 Wittikind , who had not sworn fealty to Charles , had returned from his exile in Denmark to arouse his countrymen and a huge Saxon host had attacked the fort at Karlstadt , taking revenge for the destruction of the sacred Irminsul and Charles ' other ravages of Saxony .
21 The shamed Roman Catholic cleric wrote a heart-rending letter to the parents of his mistress , teacher Monika Kocanek , who had just given birth to baby Jennifer .
22 Panel beater Gordon Reid ( 32 ) , had just set fire to rubbish in the old oil drum while clearing up at his car body repair garage at Fenton Barns .
23 Harry signed for Palace after Manager Edmund Goodman had seen him play for the amateur side , Kingstonian , in a Surrey Charity Shield Final at The Nest early in the summer of 1921 , when Palace had just won promotion to Division 2 .
24 With an effort she said , ‘ Listen , Frank , and you can pass this on if you want to : I 've not given Sleet to Mr Kennedy , nor sold it to him .
25 But Dad had always given responsibility to Charles , shared his worries and fears with Charles … well , that was fine , as long as she was allowed her fair say as well .
26 Working-class women had always had recourse to abortion ; but in the case of the last century it was particularly likely , first , where married women workers worked outside the home and hence paid a key role in determining their families economic stability ; and second , where the dependence of the family on the women 's wage led to a reappraisal of family strategy .
27 On 6 February 1945 Himmler 's deputy , Berger , reported that on 30 January all the men commanded by Domanov had enthusiastically sworn loyalty to Hitler ( for a more detailed record of the Cossacks ' relations with Himmler , see Appendix II ) .
28 As crowds in Khartoum celebrated , an SPLA spokesperson in Nairobi said that the SPLA had now laid siege to Torit .
29 He had n't put pen to paper since the day before Martin died , and he doubted if he would ever do so again .
30 The evening before he had procured from the local library a copy of Gerald Seymour-Strachey 's essay in autobiography , but a quick flick through the index had assured him there was no mention of Walter Machin , and he had n't had time to bone up on the details of the man himself 's career .
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