Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] [prep] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sinead has since said of her time at Grianan : ‘ I have never , and probably never will again , experienced such panic and terror and agony over anything . ’
2 She has obviously learnt from her creator , who amended Defoe 's actual Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain ( 1724–6 ) , by introducing with the aid of books further description of historic buildings , without venturing further into the country than his garden .
3 The Chief Engineer , was on the dawn watch and shook me with a cup of tea at daybreak saying , " Hey Ron , I think that boat we wanted has just passed on her way into Poole . "
4 Mrs has already asked for her class to be after one and we 've only got the two classes to do .
5 The wife is commonly , these days , a secondary source of income to the family and the loss of her income is something that should be taken into account when the claim comes to be made , together with , most importantly , the loss of the services the wife has gratuitously rendered to her family .
6 Mrs Browning , who looks weak and I believe has hardly moved from her room all winter , though she has ventured on a carriage trip or two since spring arrived , is excited by the promise Cavour has made to bring some statesmanship into this affair and hopes much from him .
7 I thought : no man has ever slept in her hair before .
8 He has also worked with her father , Scottish character actor Andrew Keir , and her sister , TV producer Deirdre .
9 Mrs Thatcher remains totally opposed to the idea of a ‘ third zero , ’ the elimination of short- range nuclear weapons , and believes the Soviet Union has now rallied to her view .
10 After Madeleine ( Kim Novak ) has seemingly fallen to her death , the acrophobic ex-cop Scottie ( James Stewart ) relives the event , mentally re-enacting her fall from the bell-tower to the roof of the Spanish mission .
11 I need to know where I can find a woman who has recently returned to her family after having run away with a man called Resenence Jeopardy . ’
12 Mrs Sweeting said her daughter , a receptionist at County Hall , in Chelmsford , has never complained about her illness and always adopted a positive approach to life .
13 Nathalie Sarraute , however , has never deviated from her conviction that her novels must be considered as attempts to reproduce , in formal terms , the domain of the interpersonal , pre-verbal psychological reality of tropism .
14 ‘ But it is , ’ he insisted , as if this somehow ought to be the best news she 'd ever heard in her life .
15 All that mattered was that he was the most exciting man she 'd ever met in her life .
16 She just made it to the bathroom in time , before she parted unceremoniously with the contents of her stomach , then hung weakly against the side of the washbasin , more wretched and humiliated than she 'd ever felt in her life .
17 And it was n't happening the way she 'd imagined … abruptly , she realised that being kissed by Guy Sterne was nothing remotely like being kissed by any other man she 'd ever known in her life .
18 He 'd certainly spoken of her appeal with convincing sincerity .
19 She 'd never behaved in her life as she 'd just done , and she could n't understand or justify her reactions .
20 Then we had erm , the other people next door , the woman erm , who was supposed to be a man-eater , we 'd actually looked round her house and it was ident identical to ours and we looked , we looked all the way round her house and like , she said , oh yeah , all the building 's the same but just in reverse and like , we met all the neighbours , plus the woman opposite had n't seen the flat ,
21 That route to a B A in hospitality and match mana management would have again ended with her graduation in the Summer of nineteen ninety two .
22 After an intensive rehabilitation programme of physiotherapy and speech therapy , Elinor appeared to have completely recovered from her stroke , although she could no longer think of three things at once , which Buzz said was a mercy for the people who had to live with her .
23 Although the young man and Mrs H. denied rectal intercourse , it is probable that this was the site that had served as a source of the infection , which had presumably originated with her husband over a year previously .
24 She was not sure what their present domestic arrangements were and whether there was some splendid woman in the kitchen who had perhaps failed in her duty on this occasion
25 With a hopeless shrug of resignation she hurriedly put on a slim linen dress , which she had only thrown into her case at the last minute .
26 It was as Ling had said — she had only to look in her heart to see Silas .
27 How could she say , politely , that she had better calls on her time and money than to devote either to mendicant little talents ?
28 Dropping her eyes and staring blindly at her nervously twisting hands , Laura tried to control the flush she could feel spreading over her pale cheeks , the betraying quiver of sexual awareness which had suddenly scorched through her body .
29 Now must the dagger she had long carried in her heart twist in an agonising dance .
30 Much as he wished that Aunt Tossie might keep her mind on the Form Book , where their interests in beating the Handicapper ran together , he had nevertheless acceded to her insistence on a party , a small house party , for Nicandra 's first real ball .
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