Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] [pron] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 the bumper bundle of review samples they were sending has n't reached us in time for this issue , though , so look out next month for further toe-tappin' details !
2 The killing of Polanski 's wife — who was in her last month of pregnancy and carrying a ‘ perfectly formed ’ baby son , also murdered — along with three friends and a totally unconnected young man of eighteen who had been visiting a caretaker living in the grounds , naturally caused Polanski extreme mental torture , made worse by the knowledge that he had promised to return to the house himself and had not made it in time .
3 That young so-and-so might easily have got his Betty into trouble , if he had not caught them in time .
4 As we moored up the late shipping forecast was giving warnings of south-easterly gales for the area , so we had just made it in time .
5 ‘ I 'm not yet 30 and I 've still got plenty of time to earn more money , ’ he shrugged .
6 But at just 31 , you 've still got plenty of time in hand .
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