Example sentences of "have [prep] be [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The best on road type is the XC type 4 as fitted on 110 vehicles , for more off road use the XCL offers good on and off road manners but is a directional tread pattern and has to be fitted the correct way round .
2 That the human product of the evolutionary process was wholly ‘ good ’ up to the time of the start of civilisation has to be designated an unalienable ‘ truth ’ .
3 It costs about £600 a treatment and has to be done every two weeks .
4 I argued a moment ago that if the student is to enter into his or her own work , and is to be committed to it , he or she simply has to be given the intellectual space — to a degree — to follow his or her own inclinations .
5 Tramway track on straight sections has a life of 25–30 years , but on sharp curves has to be renewed every 2–3 years , although this life has been extended by ribbon welding ( see p. 101 ) .
6 A competitive attitude is something that has to be applied every single minute of the working day , arid every day of the week .
7 Unfortunately , it means that his urine has to be tested every two months .
8 When every simple privilege has to be earned the hard way , the struggle leaves its mark .
9 From that point of view , it has to be awarded a Practical PC recommendation , and mine as well .
10 It either comes from the river beds or is scraped from rock ( tufa ) higher up the mountain — either way it has to be carried a long way over steep slopes .
11 Over the 1950s and 1960s direct government expenditure on goods and services averaged 20 per cent of GDP to which has to be added a further 15 per cent in respect of transfer payments .
12 To these facts has to be added the special susceptibility of British public opinion to liberal and humanitarian appeals .
13 The upper house election has to be held no later than 35 days after the Diet session ends .
14 Special care baby units are phenomenally expensive in equipment ; there 's an awful lot of monitoring equipment that 's required , and it has to be updated every few years , and the costs are quite out of proportion to the amount of money available to the health authority , so that er , on the whole , special care baby units throughout the country now rely virtually totally on charitable giving .
15 The length of the queues in Windhoek and Katutura , two of the most densely populated urban areas in Namibia , triggered conjecture that the poll might have to be extended an extra day .
16 Saturday 's abandoned match at Morley will probably have to be played the next week , followed by the trip to Liverpool St Helens on the final Saturday of the season .
17 The Tykes switched from Pakistan 's Aqib Javed because he would have to be given a two-year contract under TCCB rules while 21-year-old Benjamin could sign for a year .
18 It is however also clear that the concept of legitimate expectations , like many legal concepts , can be used in more than one way ; it does not have to be given a restrictive interpretation .
19 The movies had become a story-telling medium , and , as had been the case with earlier fictional forms such as the melodrama and the ‘ dime novel ’ , the stories would necessarily have to be given a recognizable social setting .
20 So to limit the interpretation of the word would follow the principle that words in a statute which have , or can have , a general meaning may have to be given a specialised and narrower meaning in order to make sense of the legislation and to avoid the conclusion that changes have been made to the existing law which can not have been intended by Parliament .
21 Since clothing , like prints and drawings , is sensitive to light , exhibitions will have to be rotated every four to six months .
22 ‘ I know the piece ’ , he wrote ; ‘ it is a very silly play and the translation will have to be altered a great deal if it is to work as an opera …
23 Myopia tends to progress throughout the growing period and spectacles may have to be changed every six to twelve months .
24 But because the new craft will broadcast at a high power , they will have to be spaced a long way apart so that TV sets in , say , Canada do not receive signals meant for the US .
25 Using 1 to 9 as the base , to cover 26 subjects some would have to be allocated a two-character notation .
26 For AT&T to be seriously contemplating selling off Unix it would have to be guaranteed a self-sustaining source of the software , since so many of its internal operations , like telephone switching , are Unix-dependent .
27 Terry Sprayson will now have to be found a new job by Gloucestershire County Council .
28 Now what I would like Mr Alistaire and the rest of the Scottish M P's is to bring up in parliament a Scotland will have to be revalued every five years as done in the past where England have only been revalued every seventeen years , which I think is most unfair .
29 She had to be imagining the caressing note in his tone .
30 Similarly , a serious case brought before the magistrate had to be presented a second time before the justice of the peace .
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