Example sentences of "have [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Given that many of these theories require extremely detailed specifications of grammar rules and lexical entries this has for a long time formed an obstacle to the production of general systems .
2 Instead of resting on its fundraising laurels , it has for the second year turned to race organising as a means of generating essential revenue .
3 Coatings company International Lory has for the second time completed a year without a single lost day accident .
4 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
5 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
6 The UK government has for the first time ruled out the award of oil and gas exploration licences in certain areas on environmental grounds .
7 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
8 The new hang has for the first time brought together the figures de fantaisie by Fragonard , the Louvre 's ninety-three Corots , thirty paintings by Chardin and thirteen by Watteau , as well as a rotating selection of the preparatory drawings by Le Brun for his decorative scheme for the Louvre .
9 He has in no legal sense locked himself into negotiations with A.
10 Romanticism — the dream of the redemptive love that will bring heaven-on-earth , resolve all difference , end alienation — has in the twentieth century replaced religion as the opium of the people .
11 Affective rather than rational , originating by chance hundreds of years ago and according to individual choices made in small communities , later expanding through the demographic growth of tribes and peoples , family systems perpetuate themselves by inertia … this combination of anthropological types , coming down to us from an indeterminate past , has in the twentieth century played a trick on the ideal of modernity .
12 Newstead , known to the Romans as Trimontium , has in the present century yielded up wonderful finds including shoes , sandals , jewellery and the iron helmet of a cavalryman .
13 This separation of the responsibilities of public office from the personal qualities of the incumbent has in the long term had a number of important consequences on decision-making in rural areas .
14 And we now have the final symbolism of Ross Perot , the white knight set to storm Washington , who has in the not-so-distant past said that it might be necessary to suspend the constitution and cordon off black neighbourhoods and place them under martial law .
15 This attractive hill village has in the past decade become favoured as a " dormitory suburb " for people employed in Thun .
16 Fortunately continuing research by agrochemical manufacturers has to a large extent enabled the persistent organo-chlorides to be suspended .
17 ‘ Traditional climatic geomorphology as represented by most of the papers in this volume has to a large extent glossed over this paucity of knowledge of fundamentals ; it may be said to have proceeded , like Davis 's work , to premature generalization on the basis of quite vague ideas on the underlying process relations .
18 In fact , Caernarfon is the nearest building Wales has to a royal palace having been owned continuously by the Crown ever since Edward I established it in 1283 .
19 The charge that higher education has over a longer period contributed to an anti-industrial ethos among the educated classes in Britain has been laid by Wiener ( 1981 ) and countered in different ways by Sanderson ( 1972 ) who points to manifold examples of involvement with industry , and Shattock ( 1987 ) who tends to lay the blame elsewhere , at the door of government and industry itself .
20 The dream itself has no meaning ; the effect it has on the second person tells a great deal about that person .
21 Being a costly enterprise and having many uses to the modern state , research has at the same time come under increased scrutiny from the paymaster .
22 While attempting to give financial autonomy to schools the government has at the same time failed to help the market — that is , parents and pupils — to decide what subjects should be studied .
23 It has in the past happened that a client has been advised by the agent to amend an order , has entirely agreed with that advice , but has at the same time pointed out that his authority does not extend to giving a final decision , and this can be awkward .
24 The NBS was good idea when first introduced , but gradually it has had less an less interest shown in it .
25 This is coupled with a situation where the local authority , having in the first place backed a particular scheme such as mink-farm construction on Trondra , is reluctant to make a U-turn in its attitude for fear of incurring compensation costs .
26 Sturt had already considerable experience of the countryside around Adelaide , having in the previous year explored much of the land to the south of the Murray River , and crossed the Mount Lofty range on his overland expedition from Sydney to Adelaide .
27 Because the position the typing line will have on the printed page does not appear onscreen , it is vital to check the sizes of your margins to make sure you get the placing you require ; for instance , to line up with a letterhead ( see Task 18 ) .
28 You do n't even have to a good d-i-yer to erect an attractive arch or pergola in your garden .
29 The local children used to play in the cutting and had for a long time fancied the hut as a den or HQ for their games , but the hut was always locked by a large padlock securing a hasp that was red with rust but still secured the door .
30 In his first policy statement as President , Nujoma on March 21 promised to redress the distortions of the apartheid economy , and appeared to assuage fears of the white minority and potential Western aid donors by rejecting the idea of large-scale nationalization , which SWAPO had for a long time held to be a cornerstone of its Marxist ideology .
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