Example sentences of "have [be] [vb pp] in the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Monopoly policy was comprehensively reassessed in the 1973 Fair Trading Act and has been amended in the 1980 Competition Act .
2 James Briggs , of Stone House , Coniscliffe Road , Darlington , has been recognised in the 1991/1992 Shooting Times Conservation Awards .
3 The 1944 Education Act laid a responsibility on LEAs to monitor the work of their schools and this has been strengthened in the 1988 Education Reform Act .
4 Instead an eclectic approach has been taken , highlighting some of the more significant work that has been done in the five years since the first edition of this book was published .
5 The first attitude has been witnessed in the 1930s and during our more recent experience of high unemployment .
6 A provision of £0.6m has been made in the 1992 Accounts for anticipated redundancy costs related to this move ;
7 The extent to which British industry has been damaged in the '80s has been explained by Lord Prior , once a dissident in the Thatcher cabinet , now chairman of GEC .
8 But even without the blank cheques originally promised , enough has been achieved in the 22 months since the Socialists came to power to make sure French research will never be the same again .
9 An important development on entry to degree courses has been announced in the 1991 Scottish Universities ' Committee on Entrance Guide .
10 It 's interesting that sexuality has been problematised in the seventies and eighties and nineties most effectively by the scholarship emerging from the Women 's Movement erm who 've said that y'know perhaps things are n't quite as equitable as these people have supposed , er perhaps sexuality can be abusive , look at all these instances of rape , of child sex abuse etcetera , sexual harassment and all these kinds of things .
11 Mike 's inspiration has been redoubled in the six years since that announcement ; Beth , five , has been joined by Felicity , 18 months .
12 No provision has been included in the 1992 financial statements in respect of any potential awards under the Plan as the criteria set out in the rules of the Plan to quality for any award in relation to performance in 1992 were not achieved .
13 The aim of creating a sense of prime loyalty among members of the colony , which was small enough for them to know each other , did not constitute any kind of a threat to central authorities in 1922 , but it would not have been tolerated in the 1930s , when family members were encouraged to spy on one another in the state interest .
14 Those who contemplated a new war thought about it in much the same way as a later generation thought about nuclear war : most of Peter Watkin 's film The War Game could have been made in the 1930s .
15 Oh yeah I mean she would have been born in the forties would n't she not seventies !
16 Whatever may have been said in the 1930s — even if it reflected current views then — cannot be correct today .
17 Attempts were made by Wulfhere to detach the kingdom of Lindsey from its dependency on the north Anglian king , for Chad probably and Wynfrith ( 672-c. 674 ) certainly , successive bishops of Lichfield , exercised episcopal authority over the Lindesfara ( HE IV , 3 ) and the political foundations for this may have been laid in the 660s .
18 The houses next to these almshouses were quite modern for the street — probably having been built in the eighteen-seventies .
19 William Hutton , the son of a framework knitter , was sent to work at Derby 's silk mill in 1730 ; he later cursed his luck for having been born in the one city in the world where such could have been his fate .
20 Hawk-That-Settles left the Navaho Reservation last year and is classed by the US Cavalry as a ‘ renegade , ’ having been associated in the '80s with the militant Native American terrorist organization , The Sons of Geronimo . ’
21 There was also a water mill in Lowthorpe as early as 1327 but the latest building on the site was said to have been built in the 1700s and was finally demolished in 1959 .
22 Excavation has also uncovered the impressive rock-cut ditch of the Norman motte and bailey castle , believed to have been built in the 1080s .
23 A further 100 oil wells were reported to have been fired in the 24 hours prior to Bush 's ultimatum .
24 To be forty she 'd have had to have been born in the nineteen seventies
25 Those views she had been taught in the twenties while a young girl , that men do not love or respect , still less marry , women who have ‘ given themselves ’ to them , she had been obliged to revise .
26 Most of the original £300,000 for the Leeds and Liverpool Canal in 1777 had been raised in the two counties , but by 1800 37 per cent was held in London and the Midlands .
27 The Park — itself unmentioned by Pevsner — had been built in the 1870s and greatly enlarged in the years after 1883 .
28 At Goulbourn a large brick structure with stone quoins and cornices and a central tower and dome had been built in the 1870s , and structure with powerful round-headed arches and long arcading on two storeys was more reminiscent of Indian stations than of those of Europe or North America .
29 It had been built in the 1860s , to take advantage of the sudden influx of visitors provided by the arrival of the London , Chatham and Dover Railway at Broadstairs .
30 It was decided that sufficient experience had been gained in the three years of presentations for Physical Education and Recreation modules to allow a review in this area .
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