Example sentences of "have [be] [v-ing] their [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Summing up the case against 24 year old Shaun Gooch and 22 year old Anthony Gallagher the Prosecution at Gloucester Crown Court suggested to the jury that there was sufficient evidence to prove that on September 13th last year , they 'd been racing their cars along Akers Way in Swindon .
2 I bus-hopped back to Hackney , feeling a bit of a prune sitting there in my suit in between a gaggle of wrinklies who 'd been blowing their pensions down the supermarket .
3 I was amazed to realise that some of them had been using their machines for five years and had no idea of the machines capabilities because all the instructions are written in either English , Spanish or Japanese ; nothing in Thai .
4 Politicians and political parties for some months prior to the announcement of the date of the election had been making their arrangements for manifestoes and candidates .
5 Computers would compete with manual labourers , but Western countries had been losing their jobs for years already ( as anyone knows who buys plimsolls in the supermarket and reads the label . )
6 Theorists all over the world had been redoing their sums for nothing .
7 Miliutin , architect of the St Petersburg municipal reform of 1846 , was head of the Economic Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and potentially the most influential of the " enlightened bureaucrats " who had been consolidating their links with each other since the end of the 1830s .
8 Ingrid soon discovered from Ilse that the two waitresses had been supplementing their wages by selling sex .
9 But after a four month lay-off the people who have to open them can get rather out of practice , so they 've been sharpening their skills against each other .
10 The diehard Smiths fans who 've been turning their backs on Morrissey over the last couple of years would be wise to give this a spin and do jerky , twisty , dancing type things in their front room . ’
11 But officials deny they 've been keeping their proposals under wraps .
12 They 've been having their meals in her office .
13 Bazille was killed a few months before his twenty-ninth birthday in the Franco-Prussian war , and since then scholars have been wringing their hands at the loss of a potential ‘ great Impressionist ’ , discounting the possibility that he could equally have evolved into a third-rate artist like Sisley or Morisot .
14 Ever since Maastricht the Tories have been wringing their hands over how best to restore their ‘ caring ’ image among the feminists they enraged by opting out of Europe 's Social Chapter .
15 Having won a libel case against British Airways over the much publicized dirty tricks , it 's set to announce losses exceeding fourteen million pounds for nineteen ninety two , and all airlines have been tightening their belts in the recession .
16 And this will assist the fragmentation around the imagined absoluteness of ethnic differences upon which both the New Right and the ‘ cultural nationalists ’ from the ethnic minorities have been premising their demands for cultural separatism in education ( cf.
17 Some of the toughest and fittest servicemen from across Europe have been testing their skills against each other .
18 Celebrities also have been voicing their opinions of the end to the ‘ fairytale romance ’ .
19 British airmen have been describing their experiences during forty days of relief missions to Somalia .
20 Hundreds of classic car owners have been putting their vehicles to the test on the race track .
21 And finally , surfers and canoeists have been pitting their skills against the biggest River Severn tidal wave of the year .
22 The home selectors have been shuffling their resources in recent matches and they take this opportunity to have a look at some members on the fringe of inclusion for Italy with one or two experienced players , such as flanker Martin Pepper stepping down to the replacements ' bench .
23 During June and July many artists living and working in East and South East London have been opening their studios to the public , coordinated and publicised by the Whitechapel Gallery .
24 It is not the West End galleries however who have been opening their doors to the new generation .
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