Example sentences of "have [adv] the [adj] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , there is also in English a more substantial effect on linguistic form for all the separatives ; they are ungrammatical in predicative position , even when qualifying the same nouns that they can accompany fully acceptably in attributive position : ( 47 ) the king is/will be future fortunately , Dostoievsky 's execution was mock Likewise , in the attributive phrases in ( 48 ) , possible and occasional are separative , qualifying the relationship between the entity of the noun phrase and the descriptions RIVAL and SAILORS respectively , rather than directly qualifying the entity itself : ( 48 ) a possible rival now came on the scene Wilkes and Andersen are occasional sailors ( the last pair of words has much the same meaning as the phrase week-end sailors ) .
2 The fact that ‘ emergency cases ’ apart , no medical treatment of an adult patient of full capacity can be undertaken without his consent , creates a situation in which the absence of consent has much the same effect as a refusal .
3 Such a clause has much the same effect as one which excludes liability for breach and in Anglo-Continental Holidays Ltd v Typaldos Lines ( London ) Ltd [ 1967 ] 2 Lloyd 's Rep 61 Lord Denning MR indicated that he would not be prepared to allow a party to rely on such a clause to change the whole nature of the contract .
4 ( If a very large number of bullets are fired the probability profile has exactly the same shape as the profile recording the number of hits . )
5 The method adopted by Ministers for discussing policy questions is however essentially a domestic matter ; and a decision by a Cabinet Committee , unless referred to the Cabinet , engages the collective responsibility of all Ministers and has exactly the same authority as a decision by the Cabinet itself .
6 The return to my house is strained by the thought that he still has not the faintest idea where he is going .
7 However , one has not the slightest doubt that the moving spirits behind the coaches ' gathering will have been England 's Geoff Cooke and Australia 's Bob Dwyer .
8 He has just the one daughter and that girl has given him great cause for concern .
9 The best Corinthian work of the seventh century , with its tense strength and controlled balance of decorative and representational , has just the same character as the great bronze griffin-heads .
10 Although Pentium has roughly the same performance as Mips Technologies Inc 's R4000 , a mid-range RISC processor , Pentium ‘ is going into production more than a year after the R4000 , and it has about 2.5 times as many transistors , even though the caches are the same size . ’
11 Although Pentium has roughly the same performance as MIPS Technologies Inc 's R4000 , a mid-range RISC processor , Pentium ‘ is going into production more than a year after the R4000 , and it has about 2.5 times as many transistors , even though the caches are the same size . ’
12 In 1928 William Robson published Justice and Administrative Law , a landmark text which he later described as an attempt ‘ to dispel the illusion held by all the leading lawyers , politicians , civil servants and academics who had been brought up on Dicey 's Law of the Constitution that in Britain there was no administrative law ’ In this book Robson argued that ‘ no modern student of law or political science has today the slightest doubt that there exists in England a vast body of administrative law ’ and that ‘ the problem is not to discover it but rather to master its widespread ramifications and reduce it to some kind of order and coherence ’ .
13 Another past champion graphically described this as the moment when the golfer blacks out and has n't the remotest idea that he is holding a putter at all .
14 This project would not have achieved what it has without the professional generosity and sense of professional responsibility of the language and service disciplines .
15 No other orchestral sound has quite the same feeling as of ‘ magic casements opening … ’
16 Whatever the reason he has neither the spiritual character nor the material resources to redeem Ruth .
17 The underlying position remains one in which most of the rural population i.e. three quarters of the total , is able to feed itself adequately , but has neither the surplus labour nor the technology to make big strides in productivity .
18 Dublin has neither the artistic inheritance nor the financial resources to better such extravagances .
19 Bush stated that the USA had assumed the " burden of leadership " in confronting the aggression of Iraq , because " among the nations of the world , only the United States of America has had both the moral standing and the means to back it up " .
20 Equally to the point , the spectre of drastic economies that haunts so many men and women is often the result of their having only the haziest idea as to their likely income and expenditure .
21 2 Two or more words normally associating with each other and having much the same meaning as the nominal phrase , eg the very poor , a summit meeting .
22 This will have exactly the opposite effect and they will then be able to relax without appearing to have insulted a host 's favourite pet .
23 In order to define completely where you are right now you would need to use four mathematical coordinates , not three , and each of these would have exactly the same status as the rest .
24 The covenantee can not have both the promised performance and some other performance which he agrees to accept .
25 Pauli 's exclusion principle says that two similar particles can not exist in the same state , that is , they can not have both the same position and the same velocity , within the limits given by the uncertainty principle .
26 However , division has a fundamental advantage , which is the reason for its good performance : no two records in any single section into which the key sequence is ‘ cut ’ by division can interfere with any other in the same section , because no two different numbers can have both the same quotient and the same remainder .
27 Those people may have roughly the same income and circumstances and they may all be able to bear the same burden .
28 Also it is disappointing that despite these improvements in performance we still do not understand properly the physics of thermal insulation and we did not expect that increased density ( up to the limit when particle collisions take over ) would have quite the favourable effect that we have found in many machines .
29 To catch one accidentally does n't have quite the same distinction or achievement , even so its capture should count .
30 Whichever bone it was , it was a crotch in shape ; that is , a forked bone like a wish-bone , and having precisely the same shape as the frog — the horny elastic pad — in a horse 's hoof .
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