Example sentences of "have [verb] on [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even though the method described by Braybrook and Powell ( 1980 ) has moved on since this time , it still does not reflect current knowledge of child language .
2 After seven years as secretary in Convocation Office , Mrs. Judith Nelson has moved on to another post within the University .
3 Mine , at any rate , after the initial angers and resentments , has lingered on to this day , and I think there has never been a rime when I did not remember that love and think of Dana .
4 ‘ It is something which has gone on in this force for almost two years but has now reached epidemic proportions and something has to be done , ’ he declared .
5 ( d ) The massive body of historical research that has gone on throughout this century has gradually discovered new sources of information and refined our views of the early modern period , in all probability bringing them closer to the objective truth .
6 DONALD Fothergill has a palpable and daily reminder of the responsibility he has taken on as managing director of Stockton-based Pickerings Lifts .
7 Fortunately the Christian church is not dominated by theologians , but by the praying faithful , and the Divine Drama , although suffering numerous attacks and emendations , has lived on in popular spirituality and liturgy .
8 Life has arisen on about one planet per galaxy ( in our galaxy , Earth is the lucky planet ) .
9 As for Edward — it was clear that I 'd stumbled on to sensitive ground .
10 I wondered if she 'd moved on to another place in the forest without saying anything , but when I stood perfectly still , I could hear the rhythmic scratching of her karaso from behind some trees , and the occasional tearing sound when she accidentally caught it in the undergrowth .
11 So , with Sheringham still unfit , Cascarino will have to soldier on with inexperienced support .
12 Because people have done one job , during the day , and then having to go on to another job at night , and make no mistake , that , you know , this is the sort of legislation that we need , to protect us , the public from what , you know , the consequences of somebody working
13 So the delicate gilded furniture and the rococo mirrors had gone from his office ; and in their place were desks and chairs that renaissance princes might have sat on in perfect safety , even if they had weighed three hundredweight .
14 Or the quarry would have carried on with this slate mine .
15 Bigsun will have come on for High Easter run
16 As for the future , well , I suppose I 'll have to move on at some time but for the moment I 'm quite happy at the theatre .
17 In the end , I would have to move on from this example to examine other XRs on offer around Glasgow .
18 As you know it , this is the last I 'm sure everyone 's aware it 's the last item on your agenda when I was looking at the agenda this item was before the fox hunting motion I thought well it 'd be nice to have a debate before the fox hunting motion because we would have er a full house of people who I 'm sure would be very interested to hear the discussion on V A T. As matter of fact I 'm sure they would w w would welcome the opportunity to have a de , a discussion , but it seems they have gone and I got , I got it wrong Chairman when you by taking the the the fox hunting motion it should really have , have held on till this time in the evening .
19 Kenamun clearly hoped to reap the rewards of a quick and flashy double solution , and to have moved on to other work before the murders recommenced .
20 There is no suggestion in the that he was dismissed from the kazaskerlik ; he seems simply to have moved on to another job , one which , according to Hocazade 's own testimony , suited him very well .
21 Once more it was the terms used by people such as the Iroquois , who were believed to have moved on from this stage , who provided the evidence for its previous existence .
22 If Attlee had carried on for another year , and the economy had turned round , Labour might still be in power .
23 Joanne had carried on with normal life as best she could , even going to discos at seven months pregnant , and all-night parties .
24 I moved in to the front room where the disco had moved on to heavier metal ( New Model Army , I think — a band to watch despite their fans ) but still nobody was dancing .
25 He explained that the people who had got on to that ferry would get off in another world , and would never be seen in this one again .
26 I 've gone on to decaffeinated coffee I do drink decaffeinated
27 I spoke later to Jackie , lifeboat secretary , and asked him how many of a crew he had to call on at any time .
28 And this had gone on for some time and he was down on the shore anyway one night and looking out across the the sea and thinking long for Eday and he met this man .
29 It had gone on for some time , she could n't say how long .
30 Det Insp Jeff Crowther said : ‘ This incident could have been worse if it had gone on for any length of time . ’
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