Example sentences of "have [verb] her [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If she lives on her own and poor health has robbed her of a normal social life , it is to be expected that her loneliness may have created such a build-up of unexpressed thoughts , feelings and opinions that she may need to talk herself to a standstill before she is ready to converse with you , and interest herself in anything you have to say .
2 There 's Roger ( Hugh Laurie ) and Mary ( Staunton ) , big noises in the world of advertising jingles trying vainly to repress the scars of a cot death tragedy , good-hearted but batty cat-loving loner Maggie ( Emma Thompson ) gagging for ‘ it ’ but a victim of the very self-help manuals she publishes and sexy Sarah , whose predilection for married men has landed her with the overgrown child that is Brian ( Tony Slattery doing his worst ) .
3 Since then her work with the band has taken her on a Scottish tour which included the Edinburgh Folk Festival , and she also performs with the four other ladies who make up Belfast 's first close-harmony vocal group ‘ Cuigear Ban ’ .
4 Her fate has taken her on a different journey , a route where the monarchy is secondary to her true vocation .
5 Dr Halden is married to my daughter and has taken her on an extended tour of the Continent . ’
6 Yvonne Paul whose The Glamour Game ( W H Allen , £2.95 ) tells all about the Glamour Biz sent me in the blouse off her back , drenched in exotic perfume , as a ‘ thank-you ’ after I 'd interviewed her for the Daily Mail and mentioned how much I liked her get-up .
7 She 'd thrown herself at him , and then when she 'd panicked he 'd dropped her like a hot potato … what a fool she 'd been !
8 I 'd met her at the odd party where we 'd chatted and that 's about it . ’
9 He 'd threatened her with the direst reprisals if she dared to leave their suite , not guessing that wild horses would n't drag her away until she 'd cleared the whole matter up .
10 He 'd helped her through a bad patch and she 'd been grateful , but she 'd never really considered him in any other light .
11 Times I 'd lie in my bed , late at night , and shudder to think my Jake 'd wedded her in a Christian church . ’
12 Anyway , after I 'd introduced her to a few different locations and got her over the initial newness of the experience , she seemed perfectly willing to come to me .
13 At last he unlocked a heavily carved door , and after a moment Meredith saw that he 'd led her into a large office with plaster frescos and a glorious ceiling of painted angels hung with gilded chandeliers .
14 The next day she 'd discovered his whereabouts from Klein , who 'd warned her in no uncertain manner that John Zacharias was bad news for tender hearts .
15 If he had n't adored her he would have treated her as a credulous imbecile .
16 In her present fragile state , an inquisition , no matter how well-intentioned , would have shattered her into a million pieces .
17 Thomas was sure the other androids would have rescued her from the burning ship but , discovering she was not part of their mission , would then have executed her .
18 If he had chosen to , Thomas might have told her in no uncertain terms what was wrong .
19 Having shown her to a modern , well-appointed bathroom next to the kitchen , he left her .
20 It would n't have surprised her in the slightest if he 'd left a few minutes early , just for the pleasure of leaving her stranded .
21 After having wooed her in the old high way for most of his young manhood , Yeats was horrified when she suddenly decided to marry the revolutionary hard-man John MacBride .
22 My mother 's hotel may have elevated her from the raw stuff of commerce — so much so that she now subscribed to Country Living and other unspecialist periodicals — but the caravan enclosure was decaying anew .
23 ‘ They must have bugged her for the same reason we went to see her : she was somebody unofficial but experienced in underground work — They 'd know they were up against some British group not the CIA .
24 I could n't remember her ever having been any different , and even Lili could n't have known her as a young woman , for Syl 's mother was old enough to have been his grandmother .
25 As the shop manager pointed out , it was the third time that month she 'd been late for work , and if they had n't needed her to turn up on time , they would n't have hired her in the first place .
26 I should never have appointed her in an acting capacity . ’
27 They 'd have put her in the freak show , confessing how misled she was by capitalist gold .
28 And I suppose we might have lost her in the long run , but not just yet . ’
29 Henry Tyler would not have described her as a happy woman , but afterward he could not say that she had seemed at all unwell .
30 ‘ Giles Hawick is taking it seriously enough to have reported her as a missing person , ’ he said tightly .
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